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Dutch Sheets Shares His Prophetic Prayer Dream of President and Melania Trump


Recently I've shared a lot of videos from pastors, preachers, prophets or just plain every-day Christians with visions or dreams on what they see coming on the horizon.

We've listened to Trey Smith, Charlie Shamp, Dana Coverstone, Kim Clement, Lance Wallnau and many others.

One name I keep hearing from many of you in response to those articles is Dutch Sheets.

I didn't really know Dutch, but thanks to a reader of the Newsletter named Donna, who told me about his special message given last night, I've now watched one of his messages and had to share it with you!

Dutch shares three dreams from him and other members of the church and I think you're gonna love what he has to say.

You'll want to jump to about the 50:00 minute mark for the part where Dutch starts talking:

I think we should listen to all voices.

And I also don't think a lot of these prophecies are set in stone.  

The Bible is very clear in many cases that God gives a word and sometimes it is a word of warning, intended to produce repentence and change.

And if that happens, the word does NOT come to pass.

Anyone remember Jonah and Ninevah?

People only know that Jonah got swallowed up by a huge fish and then spit out three days later for not going to Ninevah like he was supposed to.

What most people forget is what happened to Ninevah.

It was one of the most corrupt, evil places on the face of the Earth.

God told Jonah to go there and tell them they'd be wiped out in 30 days.  

Jonah ended up inside the fish because he didn't want to go and give that message.

You probably wouldn't have wanted to either!

But then a surprise happens in the story.

All of Ninevah, from the King down to the people repents....and they are spared.

So....was God's original word wrong?

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No, it was given to produce a change.  

In other cases there are most certainly decrees from God that do not have the possibility of being changed.  

So which situation are we in?

Time will only tell.

But I think the most proper response is to pray, repent and continue to be informed as best we can!

Love to hear your thoughts.....


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