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Sen Graham Will Call Mueller To Testify

After Robert Mueller found the time to write an opinion piece regarding Roger Stone's commutation, the Senator figured he had time to talk to Congress.


America's favorite investigator evidently has a lot to say. 

So in case you missed his recent Op-Ed in Jeff Bezo's Washington Post, fear not, he'll have his chance to spill his guts in front of the Senate soon enough. 

Time reports on Senator Lindsey Graham's intention to call on Robert Mueller to testify in the near future:

Sen. Lindsey Graham has announced that he will grant Democrats’ request to have former special counsel Robert Mueller testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The surprising statement from one of the Senate’s leaders comes a day after Mueller broke a longstanding silence to defend his probe, and its consequential conviction of Roger Stone, in a public op-ed.

Graham, a South Carolina Republican and the Judiciary Committee’s chair, has attempted to discredit Mueller’s inquiry in the past. And ever since Mueller’s official report was released last spring, Graham has brushed off Democrats’ requests for Mueller to testify in the Senate, telling CNN in April 2019, “I’m all good, I’m done with the Mueller report.” Mueller later testified before the House. The only invitation Graham had previously offered Mueller was an opportunity to respond to Attorney General William Barr’s Senate judiciary Committee testimony.

On Saturday, Mueller wrote a blunt Washington Post opinion piece, defending his findings and the conviction of President Donald Trump ally Roger Stone for obstructing a congressional investigation. The former special counsel said he felt “compelled to respond both to broad claims that our investigation was illegitimate and our motives were improper, and to specific claims that Roger Stone was a victim of our office.”

“Apparently Mr. Mueller is willing – and also capable – of defending the Mueller investigation through an op-ed in the Washington Post,” Graham wrote on Twitter. “Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have previously requested Mr. Mueller appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify about his investigation. That request will be granted.”

The Hill also reports on the desire of Congress to hear from Mueller again:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on Sunday that he will agree to a Democratic request to have former special counsel Robert Mueller testify about his investigation into Russia's election meddling and the Trump campaign.

"Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have previously requested Mr. Mueller appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify about his investigation," Graham said in a statement.

"That request will be granted," he added.

The statement from Graham, which was also posted to Twitter, comes after Mueller in a Washington Post op-ed defended his team's findings on President Trump's associate Roger Stone after Trump moved to commute Stone's sentence.

Stone "remains a convicted felon, and rightly so," Mueller wrote.

He added that he felt compelled to "respond both to broad claims that our investigation was illegitimate and our motives were improper, and to specific claims that Roger Stone was a victim of our office. Stone was prosecuted and convicted because he committed federal crimes."

Graham referenced the op-ed, saying, "Apparently Mr. Mueller is willing - and also capable - of defending the Mueller investigation."

Democrats have revived their to calls for Mueller to testify about the roughly two-year investigation after Republicans on the Judiciary Committee voted to give the South Carolina senator broad subpoena authority as part of his investigation into the Russia probe, which he has increasingly cast doubt on.

Graham first indicated during a committee meeting last month that he would support Democrats' request to call Mueller to testify, though he also appeared to warn them against it. But Democrats argued that if Republicans were going to target the Mueller probe, the former special counsel should be able to publicly explain and defend decisions made during the investigation."

That's funny...I thought he was the Trump Killer....

In the left's deepest darkest fantasies Mueller was poised to reach his hand into President Trump's chest and rip his heart out. 

But instead we just got the report of a bumbling old tool of the establishment who couldn't bring down the President, so he put the frame on anyone else he could to appear relevant. 

Robert Mueller served his country honorably in Vietnam and maybe he served honorably in the FBI, maybe he didn't, let's ask White Bulger. 

But that was the past. In recent memory he did nothing to serve justice for the American people. 

The first time he testified showed just how inept his investigation truly was. 

Maybe this time we'll find out how unfounded it really was. 

I look forward to hearing from him, but I won't hold my breath. 


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