An alleged hate crime that happened on the Texas A&M campus has been revealed to be a "hate hoax."
After a 2 week long investigation, Texas A&M police are accusing Isaih Martin of putting hate notes on his own car.
The notes say things like "All lives matter" and "You don't belong here."
Martin claims he did not put any of the notes on his car.
But after a 2 week investigation which included interviews and security footage from a nearby pool camera, police concluded that Martin likely placed the notes there himself.
If accurate, this wouldn't be the first "hate hoax" to have been perpetrated in recent months.
See a picture of Martin's car and the alleged "hate notes" below:

Ever since Trump became president, liberals have claimed that hate crimes have increased.
However, there have been a flurry of high profile incidents where the alleged hate crimes have been revealed to be fake. For example, the Jussie Smollet situation was a staged hoax!
Local KBTX News has more details:
In a report released to KBTX on Thursday, police at Texas A&M University said a student who reported finding racist notes on his car’s windshield last month may have placed the papers there himself. However, the 21-year-old at the center of the case strongly denies those claims.
Isaih Martin, a senior at A&M, called police on the afternoon of Wednesday, June 24, to report finding three handwritten notes on his car that said “All lives matter” and “You don’t belong here.” The third note contained the N-word.
According to the report, Martin parked his car at his apartment complex on George Bush Drive just after 11:00 a.m. and walked into a nearby apartment. Roughly 90 minutes later Martin returned to his car where he claims he then found the papers.
Police said in their report there was no nearby camera to clearly show what happened, but there was surveillance video from a nearby pool camera that showed a couple of people walking near Martin’s car during that time frame, but they were only near the car for a few seconds each.
Around 12:55 p.m., Martin is seen on video walking back to his car.
Police wrote in their report, “Martin immediately walks to the passenger side of his vehicle, but does not open any doors. Martin is seen toward the front of his vehicle. A brief white speck is seen from about mid-torso of Martin moving toward his vehicle. Another white speck is seen near his chest area. Martin is then seen stepping back and onto the sidewalk in front of his vehicle, most likely taking photos and videos. He then approaches his vehicle again on the passenger side and remains there for a few moments. He is then seen walking around the front of his vehicle. Martin then enters the driver`s door and drives away a few moments later. The total time spent at his vehicle is 1 minute, 15 seconds.”
Police said in the report it was “difficult to distinguish any characteristics of the suspect in the video” but “based on video evidence, no other person had enough time to place the messages on Martin`s car other than himself.”
The report goes on to say, “the other individuals that walked past Martin`s vehicle were not hidden for more than 5 seconds, and would have had to reach over the hood to place the notes.”
“He was the only person with enough time to place the notes on his car,” said police.
If true, it's a good thing that the hate hoax was discovered!
Otherwise, innocent people could have been accused of a hate crime that they didn't commit!
If there is so much racism and hatred in this country, then why are people having to resort to hoaxes to get attention?
You can view a screenshot of the police report that was posted on Twitter below:
The university issued a $1,200 reward for anyone who had any information about who might have placed the notes on Martin's car.
No one reported any information.
Since issuing their findings, the police have closed the case.
Campus Reform has more details on the case, including a statement from the Texas A&M president:
“Acts of racism are irreconcilable with the values we uphold here at Texas A&M University. Those who promote hate, discrimination and disrespect are not welcomed at this institution. We are tired of bigoted members of our community marring the experiences of students of color,” Texas A&M President Michael K. Young said in a statement following the incident.
He also announced that the university would offer a $1,200 reward to anyone who could provide information to identify the person responsible for the act.
“Let me be clear: Incidents like the one yesterday have no place at Texas A&M. Anyone who believes that hate is acceptable is not wanted at Texas A&M.”
Texas A&M police reported Thursday that, based on surveillance video footage, Martin likely placed the notes on his car himself. Footage taken from nearby cameras shows that passers-by may have come close to Martin’s car, but were only near the vehicle for a few seconds.
The police report, obtained by KBTX, reads that Martin was seen moving around his vehicle, with two different "white specks" held in the area of his chest. The footage also showed him “stepping back and onto the sidewalk in front of his vehicle, most likely taking photos and videos. He then approaches his vehicle again on the passenger side and remains there for a few moments. He is then seen walking around the front of his vehicle. Martin then enters the driver's door and drives away a few moments later. The total time spent at his vehicle is 1 minute, 15 seconds.”
No one besides Martin had sufficient time to place the notes on his car, the police concluded.
These are divisive times.
If Martin indeed placed the notes on his car, it has only added fuel to the racial tensions in our country.
We should be aiming for healing and reconciliation, not division or strife.
President Trump is the only candidate in this race who stands to fight for ALL Americans and to make our country great for EVERY single citizen!
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