It was a glorious sight to behold.
While officials in California make a mockery of the Constitution with permitting riots but banning singing in church, Patriots in the state made a stand on Independence Day, July 4th.

Deadline.Com reported the Draconian measures that the Mayor of LA tried imposing on the citizens he works for:
Just minutes after the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors closed local beaches for the long holiday weekend, a somber Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti took to his podium.
“This period will be our second big test,” said Garcetti.
“It is now time for a pause,” said the mayor. “We simply cannot risk people’s lives.”
He then announced that, along with the beach closures, Fourth of July firework displays would be prohibited in hope of keeping Angelenos from gathering in groups.
Also, he said, “Gatherings of people you do not live with are not allowed.”
O really, Garcetti?
Gatherings of more than one household "isn't allowed."
Maybe you could point us to your nearest gulag.
Where exactly in the Constitution does it say some overreaching, ideological Mayor can tell people they aren't allowed to leave their homes, unless you say so?
Unfortunately for the good people of California, Garcetti isn't the only bozo trying to dictate to them:
Basically, another moron who won't fine or lockup rioters but will threaten localities with the loss of money if they don't follow the damn rules!
These liberal activist "leaders" acting like little kings & queens of their own de facto fiefdoms instead of elected officials are proving their incompetence of a daily basis.
I for one couldn't have asked for a better display of resistance to these hypocritical fools.
Beautiful show, LA, God Bless America!
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