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USMCA Replaces NAFTA As Trump Delivers on Yet ANOTHER Major Promise


Promises made, promises kept!

On Wednesday, the USMCA officially took effect and replaced NAFTA.

The new trade deal is yet ANOTHER promise that President Trump has KEPT to the American people.

USMCA is a trade deal between the United States, Mexico, and Canada that puts America first while also benefiting our neighbors.

While the media is focusing on civil unrest and COVID-19, the reality is that President Trump has KEPT virtually all of his major campaign promises from 2016.

President Trump is truly a man of the people.

He has kept his promises to secure America with a border wall.

And now, he's re-writing trade agreements to make sure that we are treated fairly in the international market!

More details on this HUGE development below:

Multiple industries such as the automobile industry will benefit from USMCA.

Compared to NAFTA, USMCA will benefit American workers and American companies.

In fact, local news stations in states all across the country are reporting on how this will benefit their state!

In the swing state of Michigan, Detroit News published that USMCA is a big win for the state:

When President Donald Trump came to Michigan in 2016, he promised to fight for better trade deals to protect American workers. After three and half years, that’s exactly what he’s done. This Wednesday, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement will take effect, solidifying not only another trade deal for the president, but a major victory for Michigan farmers, auto workers and families.

The USMCA replaces the disastrous North American Free Trade Agreement that Joe Biden championed and helped pass. Biden advocated for NAFTA’s passage on the floor of the United States Senate, falsely predicting that NAFTA “essentially is going to be a wash on jobs.”

Wrong. In reality, NAFTA led to 825,000 American jobs lost due to higher trade deficits with Canada and Mexico. Michigan alone has lost more than 210,000 manufacturing jobs between the time NAFTA went into effect and the election of Trump.

The USMCA will lead to more than 600,000 new American jobs, including 76,000 jobs in the auto industry. It protects the more than 338,000 Michigan jobs tied to trade with Mexico and Canada.

The deal contains a requirement that 75% of auto parts be made in North America. Some 40-45% of automobile parts are made by workers making at least $16/hour. The USMCA will be a nearly $235 billion jolt to our economy. The U.S. manufacturing industry is projected to receive the largest gains, and manufacturing isn’t the only industry that is set to thrive thanks to these newly negotiated deals. Agriculture exports will increase by billions as new markets in Canada and Mexico are opened to U.S. farmers, which will be a huge boost to Michigan and it’s extremely diverse agricultural sector.

Simply put — this is a huge win for the state of Michigan and the forgotten American worker.

Even in Texas, where Democrats are hoping to turn the state blue, the local media is raving about USMCA.

The Dallas Morning News published five ways Texas will benefit directly from USMCA. Here's a preview of their article:

The new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement comes into force Wednesday, summing up all the changes made to the North American Free Trade Agreement.

For President Donald Trump, it’s the fulfillment of a campaign pledge to replace NAFTA with modernized trade rules among the three countries. USMCA introduces new rules for some industries, but stops short of radical change.

U.S. exports to Mexico totaled $300 billion in 2018, while imports from Mexico amounted to $372 billion. That same year, the U.S. exported $364 billion in goods to Canada while buying $354 billion in products from that country.Texas is one of Mexico’s biggest trading partners, sending computers and electronics; oil, gas and coal; chemicals; metals, and plastics and rubber across the border. The Lone Star State exported $109 billion in goods to Mexico and $27 billion to Canada.

An estimated 950,000 jobs in Texas depend on U.S. exports to Mexico and Canada.

These five industries are the most likely to be helped by USMCA, based on interviews with trade lawyers who closely followed the negotiations -- George Y. González and Edward Lebow of the Haynes and Boone law firm.

Texas’ energy industry exports, which now total about $33.6 billion annually, are expected to grow because companies will be allowed to sell natural gas to Mexico.

That’s possible not only because of the trade agreement, but also because of energy reform in Mexico six years ago permitting foreign investment.

“USMCA builds the foundations for the world’s best oil and natural gas partnership,” González said. “How can we as partners compete on a global scale? If we can have access to cheap energy for a long time — that’s the key for the success of the Texas-Mexico cooperation.”

USMCA also creates a conflict solving mechanism that will make arbitration easier between countries.

In the coming weeks, it is likely that President Trump will boast about his success with USMCA.

And for good reason!

Compare this to Joe Biden.

Biden voted for NAFTA, which sent thousands of American jobs overseas.

Biden's former boss, Obama, claimed that this was the new normal for America.

Fortunately, President Trump is fighting hard to bring these jobs back, and USMCA will do just that!

Breitbart has more on the new trade deal going into effect today:

The U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement formally replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on Wednesday, meaning that President Donald Trump has now officially completed one of the biggest promises of his insurgent 2016 campaign.


The International Trade Commission estimates that the USMCA will create between 176,000 and 589,000 jobs in America. In automotive manufacturing alone, the U.S. Trade Representative’s office estimates, there will be another $34 billion in investments and 76,000 new jobs for Americans. The U.S. Trade Representative’s office also says that several restrictions from Canada on American dairy, wheat, and wine producers end as a result of USMCA as well.

As the country struggles to recover from COVID-19, the jobs from this trade deal will help heal our nation!

The new jobs couldn't come at a better time.

Now, more than ever, Americans need a president who will fight for them and help make our country more prosperous than ever!

President Trump has a vision and the experience to make America great again... again!


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