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Alleged Epstein Madam Nabbed By Feds!

Ghislaine Maxwell, alleged accomplice of billionaire sex predator Jeffrey Epstein, was taken into custody by the FBI in New Hampshire on Thursday.


You can run, but you can’t hide. 

The FBI has caught the alleged madam of Jeffrey Epstein’s twisted child sex ring. 

NPR details her capture in New Hampshire:

The FBI has arrested British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell on multiple charges related to the serial sexual abuse of girls and young women by the late financier Jeffrey Epstein.

“Maxwell was among Epstein’s closest associates and helped him exploit girls who were as young as 14 years old,” Audrey Strauss, acting U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said at a news conference Thursday.

Maxwell faces charges that include transporting a minor for the purposes of criminal sexual activity and conspiring to entice minors to travel to engage in illegal sex acts, according to a six-count grand jury indictment that was unsealed earlier in the day.

Maxwell, 58, was arrested early Thursday in Bradford, N.H. She is expected to appear in U.S. District Court in New Hampshire on Thursday afternoon, Strauss said.

The federal charges against her largely align with allegations by Epstein’s victims, who have accused Maxwell of helping the disgraced financier run a sex-trafficking ring that victimized teenage girls.”

Our friends atFox News detail her role in the years long abuse suffered by unknown young girls at the hands of Maxwell and Epstein:

Prosecutors say that from 1994 to at least 1997 Maxwell -- who dated Epstein while the alleged abuses were taking place -- "assisted, facilitated, and contributed to Jeffrey Epstein's abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom, and ultimately abuse victims" whom they knew were under the age of 18.

Maxwell allegedly attempted to befriend the girls, some who were as young as 14, by "asking the victims about their lives, their schools, and their families."

Prosecutors allege that both Maxwell and Epstein spent time with the girls, taking them on outings to the movies or shopping trips in an attempt to court them and gain their trust.

Maxwell, 58, would also "try to normalize sexual abuse" by discussing sexual topics, undressing in front of the victims, or being present during sexual encounters between the girls and Epstein, which "helped put the victims at ease because an adult woman was present."

Maxwell allegedly initiated massages on Epstein to groom at least three girls, and encourage them to perform sexualized massages on him as well, an act of foreplay before Epstein sexually abused the minors sometimes using sex toys and other objects, the indictment said.

Prosecutors said Maxwell, working as Epstein's associate, "facilitated" his access to young girls because she knew he had a "preference for underage girls," and that the pair lauded money, the opportunity to travel and educational opportunities over the victims as an incentive to the sexual encounters.

Maxwell was charged with two counts of perjury, after testifying to a grand jury, among other things, that she never gave Epstein or an underage victim a massage, and that she was unaware that the disgraced financier possessed or used sex toys during sexual activities."

The question largely remains as to who else was assisting the sadistic sex crimes that spanned continents and are rumored to have served rich and powerful world actors.

Nearly no one outside of Maxwell and Epstein themselves have been have had the spotlight glaring on them like Prince Andrew, of The United Kingdom.

From the NY Post:

Prince Andrew must really be sweating now.

Investigators who busted accused Jeffrey Epstein procuress Ghislaine Maxwell still want to talk to Prince Andrew, they confirmed Thursday — as lawyers predict his socialite pal could now turn against him.

The charges against British socialite Maxwell, 58, including alleged sex crimes in her London townhouse — where Andrew has separately been accused by an Epstein “sex slave” of sleeping with her when she was 17.

While refusing to discuss the “status” of the UK royal — who famously claimed he cannot sweat — prosecutors made it clear he is still on their radar during the ongoing probe into Epstein’s inner circle.

“We would welcome Prince Andrew coming in to talk with us. We would like to have the benefit of his statement,” the acting US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Audrey Strauss, said at a press briefing.

“Our doors remain open and we would welcome him coming in and giving us an opportunity to hear his statement,” Strauss said.

Maxwell had been the close friend who first introduced Andrew to Epstein, and he admitted in a BBC interview last year that he remained in touch with her even as his scandal over his ties to the pedophile blew up."

Good luck getting him here...or anywhere near an FBI agent. 

Willy must be slick with sweat himself. 

Despite adamantly denying any connection to Epstein or Maxwell (except the occasional private jet ride) suspicion continues to mount against Bill Clinton's sincerity regarding his alleged sexual escapades. Sound familiar?

A new book titled "A Convenient Death: The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein," by investigative reporters Alana Goodman & Daniel Halper makes the stunning claim that Clinton was secretly having an ongoing affair with Maxwell, and was a frequent companion of the two. 

Clinton says, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman," or something like that. 

Hopefully the transport bringing Maxwell back to New York doesn't drive off a cliff, spontaneously combust, or get abducted by aliens. 

Hopefully justice will finally be served. 

Watch the joint press conference with the Southern District of New York & FBI announcing Maxwell's arrest below:


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