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Rolling Stones Threaten Trump Over Campaign Music

The British classic rockers don't like President Trump, so now they don't want to share their music with him.


You can’t always get what you want. 

A lesson I thought Mick Jagger would have learned by now. 

Afterall, those are his words. 

But now his band The Rolling Stones are threatening to sue President Trump for using their song.

Let’s hear from Rolling Stone Magazine, just for fun:

The Rolling Stones are taking “further steps” to prevent Donald Trump from using their music at his rallies after the president’s campaign ignored the previous cease-and-desist letters. “This could be the last time Trump uses any Jagger/ Richards songs on his campaigns,” the band’s rep said in a statement.

In a statement Saturday, the band announced that their legal team and performing rights organization BMI sent another warning to Trump’s campaign that, if the president continued to use the band’s music, he could face a lawsuit.

“The BMI have notified the Trump campaign on behalf of the Stones that the unauthorized use of their songs will constitute a breach of its licensing agreement,” the Rolling Stones rep added. “If Donald Trump disregards the exclusion and persists then he would face a lawsuit for breaking the embargo and playing music that has not been licensed.”

Despite previous warnings during the 2016 presidential campaign — “The Rolling Stones do not endorse Donald Trump. You Can’t Always Get What You Want was used without the band’s permission,” the Stones tweeted in July 2016 — the Trump team still played the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” at the president’s lightly attended rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 20th.

As BMI told Deadline, “The Trump campaign has a Political Entities License which authorizes the public performance of more than 15 million musical works in BMI’s repertoire wherever campaign events occur. There is a provision, however, that allows BMI to exclude musical works from the license if a songwriter or publisher objects to its use by a campaign. BMI has received such an objection and sent a letter notifying the Trump campaign that the Rolling Stones’ works have been removed from the campaign license, and advising the campaign that any future use of these musical compositions will be in breach of its license agreement with BMI.”

And from Time:

The Stones had complained during Trump’s 2016 campaign about the use of their music to fire up his conservative base at rallies.

The Rolling Stones’ 1969 classic “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” was a popular song for his events. It was played again at the close of Trump’s recent rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma — an indoor event criticized for its potential to spread the coronavirus.

The music rights organization BMI provides licenses for venues to play a broad array of music and has a catalog of more than 15 million songs that can be played at political events. Artists can opt out of having their music played at political events, and a BMI statement says the Stones have done that."

I wonder if they let Hillary play "Under My Thumb," way back in 2016?

We may hear "Beast of Burden" playing softly in the background of Sleepy Joe's basement. 

Still, the President's detractors are practically rabid with glee at the prospect of the President getting sued by the band:

Mick Jagger & Co. aren't the only musicians playing politics with their music lately.

The estate of Rock legend Tom Petty also took issue with the President's use of his music at his Tulsa rally.

Campaign of hate?

What's with these people?

Since when is the message of prosperity for all Americans, regardless of race, religion, or creed a campaign of hate?

But whatever. 

Here's a list of the champions of inclusivity who won't let someone admire and pay tribute to their music:

I doubt Biden even remembers how to work the radio. 

Nevermind play music at a rally he's incapable of attracting an audience for. 

I say, rock on, Mr. President. 


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