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Radicals Want To Tear Down Jesus Statues, Trump; “Not Gonna Happen!”

As religion in America becomes the next target for radical leftists rampaging in the country, President Trump is ready to fight for Christian symbols.


What would a radical leftist revolution be without the destruction of Christian symbols?

Churches, images of saints, missionaries…our lord and savior Jesus Christ himself, are all targets of the uprisings going on across the country. 

Thankfully, we have a President that puts God & Country first!

From our friends at Fox News:

President Trump on Wednesday vowed to protect statues as some activists are calling for the toppling of monuments to former presidents, controversial historical figures and even Jesus Christ — after initially just targeting those of Confederate figures.

Trump, who earlier in the day promised to sign an executive order by the end of the week to protect public statues and federal monuments, said that any continuation of the toppling of monuments “is not going to happen.”

“They’re looking at Jesus Christ, they’re looking at George Washington, they’re looking at Abraham Lincoln, they’re looking at Thomas Jefferson,” Trump said during a news conference with Polish President Andrzej Duda in the White House’s Rose Garden. “It’s not going to happen.”

The president did not make a specific reference to who was calling on the statues to be taken down, but liberal activist Shaun King tweeted Monday that “the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down.”

Notice the word "claim."

Once again the liberal leftwing media wants to spin the narrative back against Trump. 

One little word implies he's lying once again of course. 

Here's The NY Daily News, doing their part at misleading the public:

Dear lord!

President Trump vowed Wednesday to put a stop to the vandalization of monuments honoring the Confederacy and other racist structures, fretting that effigies of Jesus Christ will otherwise be next.

The source for Trump’s invocation of Jesus was unclear, but it came as anti-racist protesters across the country are tearing down statues of controversial American figures like President Andrew Jackson, who owned slaves and brutalized Native Americans."

Actually, the "source of his invocation" was very clear. 

The NY Post, a more honest NYC publication, actually tells the full story:

Accused fraudster Shaun King, who most recently came under fire for his shady media company, drew both ridicule and threats online Tuesday for demanding statues showing a light-skinned Jesus be pulled down.

“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been,” King, 40, had tweeted Monday over the movement to topple monuments.

King then extended his demands to include “all murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends.”

“They are a gross form [of] white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down,” he insisted.

“If your religion requires Jesus to be a blonde haired blue eyed Jesus, then your religion is not Christianity, but white supremacy.”

King uses a digital recreation of what scientists say someone in Christ's time and place would look like:

I'd like to point out that King's version of Christ also looks nothing like the "Black Jesus."

If African-American churches want to use that stylization of Christ, that's their business. 

Because I think we can all agree, that no one knows what the most accurate depiction of Christ is. 

And targeting the statues isn't about historical accuracy. 

It's about destroying anything related to European culture in this country.

How can any group in a diverse country have confidence in their convictions, their culture, and their place in society if they are forced to believe that even their most sacred images are tools of destruction. 

They can't, and that's exactly the point. 


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