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Trump Rally Gives Fox News RECORD Number of Viewers


Democrats and the media did everything they could to sabotage Trump’s Tulsa rally.

They said everyone would get COVID.

It was completely “irresponsible” on Trump’s part to hold the rally.

Wouldn’t it be a Democratic dream if the President didn’t hold any rallies?

They’re the lifeblood of his campaign and the Dems know it.

Notably the rally did not completely fill the venue, but that’s not the main news about Trump’s rally.

Fox News received a record number of views for Trump’s rally, almost 8 million in one night!

Here’s the details from Fox News:

President Trump’s rally on Saturday attracted a record-setting audience on TV despite the smaller-than-expected crowd in attendance at the Tulsa, Okla., event.

A whopping 7.7 million total viewers tuned into Fox News from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. EDT during Trump’s remarks, making it the most watched Saturday in the network’s history during that time period, according to early Nielsen data.

Trump’s rally also gave Fox News its largest Saturday night primetime audience ever from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Trump’s State of the Union address is the only telecast on Fox News in 2020 to outdraw the 9 p.m. hour of Trump’s speech on Saturday, which averaged 8.2 million total viewers.

By comparison, ESPN’s coverage of the NFL Draft’s opening night averaged 8 million, MSNBC’s most-watched Democratic primary debate averaged 7.7 million and CNN’s most-watched weekday Democratic primary debate averaged 7.4 million.

The Trump campaign has stated that even more viewers tuned in when including the significant audience that watched via streaming platforms.

“President Trump’s rally in Tulsa attracted over 4 million unique viewers across all of the campaign’s digital media channels. The live-streamed pre-rally shows drew an audience of more than 2.5 million unique viewers by themselves,” Trump 2020 communications director Tim Murtaugh said in a statement.

Fox News’ YouTube stream picked up over 2.1 million views, while Fox Business Network’s livestream drew over 580,000. The rally was streamed on a variety of other platforms, as well.

Liberal pundits have labeled the rally a disappointment because of the in-person attendance figures – but the Trump campaign disagrees.

“The news media, which encouraged protestors and bombarded Americans for more than a week with dire warnings against attending a Trump rally, are still unable to prevent President Trump from reaching the people. These numbers represent unmatched enthusiasm behind the President’s re-election and a massive audience that Joe Biden can only dream of,” Murtaugh said.

There was definitely excitement in the air over Trump’s latest rally.

Check out this video showing Trump supporters camping in advance of the event:

Take a look at reactions on Twitter to the news of the large virtual crowd for Trump's rally:

Meanwhile, the Western Journal reports that Mike Lindell, Trump's Minnesota campaign manager, said the rally had a "hopeful" atmosphere:

MyPillow CEO and Minnesota Trump campaign chairman Mike Lindell experienced a hopeful atmosphere among the crowd at the president’s Saturday night rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and said it was a nice break from the recent turmoil in the country.

“It was kind of like a relief, everyone was kind of relieved” and “way more hopeful,” Lindell told The Western Journal.

The businessman pointed to the reopening of the economy as one source of hope.

Lindell predicted the Dow Jones Industrial Average would hit 30,000 by September, which would be an all-time record.

Regarding the BOK Center not being filled to its 19,000 capacity, Lindell speculated that many did not show because of the media coverage about crowd size leading up to the event.

Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale retweeted a suggestion that there were no families in Saturday night’s crowd because the “media scared them with threats of violent protesters.”

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel added that the fears about coronavirus may have also been a factor, but noted over 11 million tuned in to watch the event online on Trump’s social media platforms alone, meaning the president still has enthusiastic supporters.

Don't look for any positive coverage of the rally from the mainstream media.


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