Adam Schiff is at it again.
This time over allegations leaked in John Bolton's unreleased book, "The Room Where It Happened," detailing his version of events in the Trump White House.
Per CBS News:
John Bolton is joining a growing line of former Trump administration officials to speak out against the president. House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said his decision to do it through a tell-all memoir months after refusing to testify in the House impeachment inquiry "tells you a lot about John Bolton's character."
"Whether his testimony would have made a significant difference in trial — it may have if it led to further evidence and further witnesses — but we'll never know," Schiff said on "CBS This Morning" Thursday. "This is the price the country had to pay for John Bolton's putting profit above country."
Despite the timing, Schiff vowed to "look deeply into the allegations" and said they are "consistent with other evidence" against Mr. Trump."
Here we go again.
Impeachment 2.0!
This time featuring NY Times Best Selling author, John Bolton's mustache!
The Washington Timesalso covered Schiff's statements regarding Bolton's allegations:
“If these new allegations are accurate, it is further proof that Trump’s coercion of Ukraine, for which he was impeached, is part of a persistent pattern by Trump of abusing his position and misusing the powers of the U.S. government to seek personal and political benefits from foreign governments,” Mr. Schiff’s statement read.He vowed to “continue to hold Trump accountable,” and said he would be consulting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other chairs on “next steps.”
Here's Madame Speaker Pelosi stammering her way through her latest Trump condemnation today:
Nancy doesn't even seem fit for her own press conference...
Haven't we seen this movie before?
Trump has survived "Fire and Fury," Omarosa, countless "anonymous" sources, Mueller, Impeachment, on and on and on.
And now John Bolton will be the one to bring him down?!
Not everyone is so quick to fall hook, line, and sinker for Bolton's sudden sense of Patriotism:
This is Bolton now:
And then:

In the lamestream media, John Bolton is a War Monger one minute and a national hero the next.
All in the name of destroying Trump by any means necessary.
How will history judge Schiffy's make pretend phone calls?
Or his unsubstantiated claims about Trump and RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!?
Are far as John Bolton is concerned, he will remain reviled in his own time, and hopefully forgotten by history.

We all know by now, John Bolton didn't participate in that impreachment hearings of President Donald Trump.
But $2 million??
That's a different story. John will sing you any song you want to hear for $2 million.
If one were to take his claims at face value, then the answer is clear.
John Bolton's allegiance is for sale. His truth goes to the highest bidder. His Patriotism is a commodity and now he's going door to door.
In reality, John Bolton has always been a chicken hawk seeking to conquer the world at the expense of American blood and treasure.
He wants war, but never fought in one.
Now he probably just wants revenge.
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