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Judge Jeanine Takedown: Without Law & Order, Freedom Ends


Judge Jeanine is one of my all-time favorites on Fox News.

And unfortunately that list has gotten smaller in recent years.

But boy did she hit it out of the park last night.

Please take a look at her Opening Monologue and show your friends:


“Law and order is essential,” she said.  

“It’s real simple — without law and order, there is no freedom.  

Without law and order, freedom ends.  

Without law and order, there is anarchy.  

What’s happened in Seattle this week is but a small example of how far the left will go to satisfy the progressive extremists and surrender our cities to them, of what it will be like without law and order.  

And we cannot have it.”

"Whats happened in Seattle is but a small example of how far the left will go to satisfy the progressive extremists and surrender our cities to them. 

Of what it will be like without law and order and we cannot have it. 

Now don't get me wrong; I said last week that sadistic torturous murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Chauvin deserved the harshest punishment. Not just murder two but murder one.

And I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk. 

There is much that needs to change. It’s why we have a Congress, state legislature, school boards, community organizations. That’s why we have elections."

"But American cities subjected to domestic terrorism is a scene reminiscent of some futuristic movie like Escape From New York where the government lets a city filled with criminals govern themselves where lawlessness and anarchy thrive.

And we cannot have it. 

Law-abiding Americans witnessed the destruction and looting of businesses and neighborhoods, the burning of property, including churches, all allegedly in the name of George Floyd in horror.

Liberal Democrat mayors and governors have surrendered to rioters, anarchists, and looters allowing them to “blow off steam.”"

We sat startled watching the third precinct police in Minneapolis literally run out by these anarchists. 

We watched the same happen in Seattle on the mayor’s order thinking this can’t be America. This must be some third world country. We cannot have it."

"Now permit me to have a politically incorrect question.

How many families in this country whose loved ones were victims of homicide were allowed to pillage and plunder the property of others to blow off steam because system didn’t work the way it was supposed to.

When the rights of law-abiding citizens are subjugated and destroyed by those seeking change by committing crimes we must demand they be stopped. 

When anarchists want to end a civilized society by defunding the police, the throw us back to the wild west where vigilante justice reigned. 

Taking large chunks of police budgets to give to mental health and community groups and limiting police response on calls for domestic violence which by the way is one of the most dangerous calls police respond to.

I fare for battered women. Should we now start negotiating violent crimes against women?

Is that even a negotiable issue? Or do we wait until the first social worker or mental health worker is killed and then demand the cops be brought back?"



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