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Trump Demands Seattle Democrats Deal with Anarchists


A complete section of the city of Seattle has been taken over by radical anarchists.

What do the Democrats running the city do?

Pretty much nothing!

Well President Trump isn’t standing for it.

He’s threatened that if Seattle’s mayor and Washington’s governor don’t handle the situation, he may send in the National Guard or even the military.

King5 in Seattle reports on the President’s threat:

On Wednesday night, President Trump tweeted to Gov. Jay Inslee and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, telling them “Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will.” 

President Trump was referring to what Seattle protesters are calling the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” or “CHAZ”. 

After several days of violent clashes between police and demonstrators on Capitol Hill, Seattle police reopened the streets so people could march in front of the East Precinct.

Instead, protesters have set up tents and have blocked streets.

The perimeter stretches from 13th Avenue past 11th Avenue, near Cal Anderson Park, and it runs from East Olive Street to East Pike Street.

Protesters say “CHAZ” is a welcome community where this is no leader and a unified message.

The President tweeted: “Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped [sic] IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!” 

In response, Gov. Inslee tweeted: “A man who is totally incapable of governing should stay out of Washington state’s business. “Stoop” tweeting.”

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan replied on Twitter with “Make us all safe. Go back to your bunker. #BlackLivesMatter”

In a second tweet, President Trump followed up with, “Domestic Terrorists have taken over Seattle, run by Radical Left Democrats, of course. LAW & ORDER!”

On Thursday, President Trump tweeted the following:

Gov. Inslee responded on Twitter hours later, saying the Trump administration “knows what Washington needs right now – the resources to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Check out the reactions to the lunacy occurring in Seattle:

Democrats have been quick to defend the rights of the “protesters” to setup their own zone.

The irony in the situation is that when conservatives protest, they receive no such support from Democrats.

Remember the protesters in Michigan that peacefully denounced the governor’s extreme orders in response to the pandemic?

They were completely berated by Democrats and the media.

Apparently the right to protest doesn’t extend to everyone.

Meanwhile, according to Politico, there’s currently a clash going on between Seattle’s mayor and the police chief:

As protesters in Seattle declare an autonomous zone free from police, the city’s mayor is defending the demonstrators’ First Amendment rights and supporting their cause.

But Seattle’s police chief is growing increasingly exasperated at the occupation of a police precinct and the hindrance of law enforcement efforts in the several blocks-wide “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”

The mixed messages from Mayor Jenny Durkan and Police Chief Carmen Best come amid wall-to-wall coverage on the zone on conservative news outlets and a barrage of tweets from President Donald Trump blasting the city’s response to what he says is an “anarchist takeover.”

Best said on Friday that the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” is creating danger in the neighborhood by slowing police response time to urgent calls. The chief also declined to condemn Trump for his description of the protesters as domestic terrorists.

“I am very angry about the situation that we have and at this point we just want to make sure that it gets resolved,” Best told “Good Morning America” host Amy Robach. “While I really support First Amendment free speech, this is not that.”

Yesterday, Durkan struck the opposite tone.

“Lawfully gathering and expressing First Amendment rights, demanding we do better as a society, and providing true equity for communities of color is not terrorism. It’s patriotism,” Durkan said at a press conference.

Although Durkan is supporting the rights of the demonstrators, some city leaders are demanding the mayor resign.

"This violence against the peaceful protest movement on Capitol Hill was carried out by Mayor Jenny Durkan and that's why it's no surprise that tens of thousands of people in Seattle are calling for her resignation," Kshama Sawant, a Seattle city council member whose district encompasses the autonomous zone, said on CNN. "Because they reject police violence, they reject police brutality and we want a society that's based on equality and cooperation."

The autonomous zone developed in Seattle after demonstrators protesting police brutality and racism declared control over the area and forced police to leave the East Precinct on Monday.

Also, watch this inside look from the New York Post on Seattle’s autonomous zone:


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