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United Auto Workers Union Endorses Joe Biden Despite Viral Auto Worker Spat


Joe Biden is making a big push to win back the rustbelt states that delivered Trump the presidency in 2016.

Today, United Auto Workers announced that it is backing Joe Biden’s White House bid.

The UAW is not only one of the largest auto unions, it is one of the largest unions in the nation — period.

Fortunately, it appears that the UAW endorsement may not hold too much weight among its members.

The union endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, but Trump was able to flip Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Will he be able to hold onto those states in 2020?

More details on the endorsement and what it means below:

The union has over 400,000 members, so the endorsement is certain to make shockwaves.

However, the union has regularly endorsed Democratic candidates in the past, so it's not as though the union has soured against Republicans.

CNBC has more details on the endorsement, which claims Trump has "assaulted" worker rights:

The United Auto Workers union said Tuesday that it is endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden for president, citing an “assault on worker rights to organize and fair wages” under President Donald Trump.

The union said it chose to endorse Biden because of his experience under the Obama administration during the 2009 auto bailout and “anti-worker federal appointees” by the Trump administration.

“In these dangerous and difficult times, the country needs a president who will demonstrate clear, stable leadership, less partisan acrimony and more balance to the rights and protections of working Americans,” UAW President Rory Gamble said in a statement.

The endorsement by the UAW, which represents more than 400,000 workers, is a win for Biden but not unexpected. The union historically endorses Democrats for president, including Hillary Clinton in 2016 and two-term former President Barack Obama.

The Trump campaign, in an email response to the UAW’s endorsement, said that while Biden “may have the support of union leaders,” the “workers know that it was under President Trump’s leadership that jobs increased and wages grew.”

“Workers will be reminded that Biden voted for NAFTA and shipped hundreds of thousand[s] of jobs overseas,” the Trump campaign said. “And they know President Trump always puts America first, that his policies built the greatest economy in history before it was artificially interrupted, and that he is the only one who can restore us to that position again.”

Though the UAW endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, blue collar workers delivered a strong delivery for Donald Trump.

After the viral video of Joe Biden cursing at an auto worker in Michigan, the workers may side with Trump once again.

Despite the widely panned video of Biden verbally assaulting an auto worker, the union has chosen to endorse him for president.

New polls show that Biden and Trump are virtually deadlocked in at least 6 battleground states, including Michigan.

Michigan is where the auto factory where Biden cursed out the blue collar worker is located.

NBC Boston has more on the deadlocked polls:

President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are locked in a tight race in six states that will shape who wins the White House in November, according to a new CNBC/Change Research survey.

The Republican incumbent and apparent Democratic nominee are virtually tied in the battlegrounds of Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to the States of Play poll of swing states released Wednesday. Trump edges Biden by a 48% to 47% margin across those states, the poll found.

The poll, which surveyed 5,787 likely voters in the six states on April 17 and 18, has a margin of error is plus or minus 1.3 percentage points.

The split in voter preferences in those states goes beyond their ballot choices. On a range of issues facing the country, from handling the coronavirus pandemic to pulling the economy out of a recession and making health care more affordable, respondents in the six battlegrounds do not have a clear preference for who would do a better job between Trump and Republicans or Biden and Democrats.

Just as in 2016, the establishment voices continue to rally against President Trump.

However, the grassroots movement continues to see through the media fog and appreciate the good that President Trump has done for this nation!

Though the UAW has endorsed Biden, President Trump will continue to make his case to the American people.


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