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Former CNN Producer Claims Jim Acosta Seeks to Be Famous, Not A Great Reporter


The press has made it more than clear at this point that they are no friend of the President.

Unfortunately, many in the media allow their dislike of the President to cloud their reporting.

Jim Acosta, of CNN, falls into that category. He’s does little to hide his contempt for President Trump and often frames his questions in a disrespectful manner.

Former CNN producer, Steve Krakauer, recently divulged his opinion of Acosta. The ex-producer states he believes Acosta’s goal is to become famous and in doing so, he is giving the press a bad image.

Fox News has the latests on the ex-producer’s comments:

CNN producer-turned media watchdog Steve Krakauer described his former colleague, CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta, as a fame-seeking attention-getter who is “actively helping Trump get re-elected” while making the press look bad.

“I don’t think CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta is a bad guy. I worked with him at CNN, and he was a solid, competent reporter. If Acosta’s goal was to be a great White House reporter, he could probably do it,” Krakauer wrote. “But that’s not Jim Acosta’s goal. Jim Acosta wants to be famous.”

Krakauer’s media newsletter, Fourth Watch, has gained popularity for holding the press accountable, and Sunday’s edition began with the detailed critique of Acosta.

“Acosta clearly aspires to use this opportunity to spar with President Trump, #Resistance Signal on Twitter and generally build his brand to move on to bigger things – a prime time show maybe, or at least a few late night TV appearances,” Krakauer wrote before pointing out the CNN reporter’s past Twitter profile background image that featured a picture of his appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

“Jim Acosta loves nothing more than Jim Acosta,” Krakauer wrote. “I’ve also half-joked that if we found out, years from now, that Acosta was actually a plant and was secretly working for the Trump re-election campaign, I wouldn’t be shocked.”

Acosta has made a name for himself in the Trump era for his hostile exchanges with the president and members of his administration. He was recently scolded by Trump for referring to the daily coronavirus press briefings as “happy talk.” Acosta regularly shouts questions when it isn’t his turn to speak and famously struggled with a White House aide for possession of a microphone during a 2018 press conference, resulting in a legal skirmish over whether or not he would be able to cover the White House.

Krakauer explained that Acosta “plays the role of absurd, antagonistic journalist” during Trump’s press briefings, often teeing the president up to attack him and the media.

“Trump couldn’t ask for a better foe than Jim Acosta. And the reporters who are trying to do good work, get answers to very real questions, know this,” Krakauer wrote.

The Fourth Watch editor said that Acosta’s exchanges with the president “are actively helping Trump get re-elected” and “make all in the press look bad.”

Check out what’s circulating on Twitter about the new revelations concerning Acosta:

The Daily Wire also had input about the matter:

“I don’t think CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta is a bad guy,” wrote Krakauer. “I worked with him at CNN, and he was a solid, competent reporter. If Acosta’s goal was to be a great White House reporter, he could probably do it.”

“But that’s not Jim Acosta’s goal,” he quickly added. “Jim Acosta wants to be famous. I’ve written before, three years ago, that Acosta clearly aspires to use this opportunity to spar with President Trump, #Resistance Signal on Twitter and generally build his brand to move on to bigger things – a prime time show maybe, or at least a few late-night TV appearances.”

Krakauer then presented a photo of Acosta’s Twitter profile from last year, which showed him smiling alongside late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel, as evidence of him putting fame over duty. Since his actions do nothing but help Trump, Krakauer even jokingly asserts that Acosta might be in on a scheme to reelect the president another four years.

“Jim Acosta loves nothing more than Jim Acosta,” Krakauer continued. “But I’ve also half-joked that if we found out, years from now, that Acosta was actually a plant and was secretly working for the Trump re-election campaign, I wouldn’t be shocked.”

Krakauer then highlighted Acosta’s recent skirmish with President Trump last week at the White House coronavirus task force briefing, during which he accused the president of using the conferences to throw out “happy talk.”

“We hear from a lot of people who see these briefings as sort of ‘happy talk’ briefings,” said Acosta. “Do we have enough masks? No. Do we have enough tests? No. Do we have enough PPE? No.”

“There’s nothing happy about it, Jim. This is ‘sad talk,'” Trump responded. “These are the saddest news conference that I’ve ever had. I don’t like doing them. You know why? Because I’m talking about death…There’s no ‘happy talk’ Jim. This is the real deal.”

Also, watch this exchange between Trump and Acosta. It perfectly highlights the arrogance Acosta displays in his dealings with the President:


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