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Democrat Rep. Cedric Richmond Caught Watching Golf During Impeachment Hearing


If you were bored watching Nadler’s impeachment hearing, you weren’t alone.

Apparently, Democrat Rep. Cedric Richmond wasn’t all-ears, either.

In footage posted by GOP Director Steve Guest on Twitter, Richmond appears to be watching golf instead of paying attention to the impeachment hearing!

Here are the clips:

GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel also made a comment on this:


Here's more on this, from Fox News:

Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., may have been distracted on Thursday during the marathon impeachment hearing focused on President Trump.

Richmond appeared to have been watching a golf tournament on his laptop during a procedural roll call, which aired in full-view on CNN.

"What on earth is Democrat Rep. Cedric Richmond watching on his laptop during this impeachment markup?" GOP rapid response director Steve Guest asked. "To me, it looks like Rep. Richmond is watching the President’s Cup golf tournament. Richmond’s actions are a DISGRACE."

Guest added the hashtag, "#StopTheMaddess."

Breitbart has more to say:

Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) was caught watching golf during an impeachment hearing in the House Judiciary Committee.

Republican National Committee (RNC) Rapid Response Director Steve Guest picked up on the footage of Richmond watching the Presidents Cup golf tournament on a laptop via CNN.

Zoomed in. 


Democrat Rep. Cedric Richmond is watching golf.

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) December 13, 2019

Republicans spent most of Thursday mocking Richmond for obviously tuning out during the hearing.

“Democrats on Nadler’s Committee are so ‘solemn’ and ‘prayerful’ about impeachment that they’re watching golf at the hearing,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel wrote on Twitter. “This partisan sham has been an absolute waste of the American people’s time.”

During the hearing, Richmond challenged Republicans for “running and hiding” from the impeachment process and standing with President Trump.

“How do you want to be remembered during this watershed moment in our nation’s history?” he asked.


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