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Debate Rages Online About Whether Joe Biden Called an Iowa Farmer “Fat”


Actually, it’s not really much of a debate in the sense that half the people heard one thing and the other half heard the other.

You know, like the famous Blue/White Dress phenomenon that raged on the Internet a while back and half of the people saw a blue dress when the other half saw white….from the same photo.

No, this is basically all of the Internet heard one thing and Biden’s camp claims he never said it.

The exchange in question was with the same guy Biden said was a “Damn liar!”.

People now claim he also called him “fat”.

Here’s a quick summary of the story from CNBC:

Look, what “facts” are you going to believe, the ones you hear with your own ears or from Joe Biden’s spin room?

Biden and the Democratic presidential contender’s spokeswoman are denying — strongly — that he called a retired Iowa farmer “fat” after the man challenged him about Hunter Biden at a campaign event Thursday.

Video of the confrontation clearly reveals otherwise.

Biden’s team claims he said “facts” not “fat” during the confrontation in New Hampton.

Biden’s disputed dig came as he angrily denied an allegation by the man, who said, without evidence, that Biden had gotten his son a position at a Ukraine gas company while serving as vice president under President Barack Obama.

Biden called the man, later identified as 83-year-old Merle Gorman, “a damn liar” for that claim.

And he challenged Gorman to do push-ups or go running with him after suggesting that the farmer led a “sedentary” lifestyle in contrast to Biden himself.

“But look, fat, look. Here’s the deal,” Biden told Gorman.

Former VP Joe Biden responds to the allegation by calling the man a “damn liar” after the man accuses him of sending his son to Ukraine to work for Burisma.

The Democratic front-runner, who had already challenged the man to a push-up contest, paused after saying that, as if he realized he had gone too far by remarking on Gorman’s girth.

A number of children in the audience seemed stunned and then laughed when they heard the “fat” crack.

Biden’s campaign quickly reacted to the incident after Twitter users gleefully noted Biden’s use of the word fat, the candidate’s spokeswoman posting a tweet of her own that disputed that claim, arguing that Biden said “Look, facts.”

Campaign spokeswoman Symone Sanders wrote Thursday: “To be clear: Any assertion VP Biden said a word about the gentleman’s appearance is making this something it is not. In the latter part of the exchange, the VP began to say ‘Look, facts’ then said ‘here’s the deal.’ If you’ve been to a Biden event, you’ve heard this before.”

Watch the exchange here (key moment at about 2:30 mark):


I don't know about you, but I hear very clearly, "Look fat...."

And, I mean, let's not joke around, it's HILARIOUS!

"Look fat..." is gonna become my new tagline.  

But Biden says he didn't say it.

Claims he said "Look facts".

Nope, sorry Joe, it doesn't even remotely sound like that.

And keep in mind that he said this on the heels of telling the guy he was "sedentary" and then challenging him to a pushup contest!  

Context is key!

But the Tweets about this online are the best part.

Hatch gets it:


Shapiro right?

Even the kids heard it and laughed, watch:


And in a perfect skewering of the Peloton ad, this wins the day:


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