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ORWELLIAN: UK Woman Arrested and Thrown In Jail Cell For Word Crime!

Ok folks, buckle up because you’re probably not even going to believe this one.

I barely believe it after verifying with 3 different sources, but it appears to be true and very scary!

In the United Kingdom you can now be arrested, charged and thrown in a jail cell simply for using the wrong words!

If you’ve read George Orwell’s 1984, alarm bells are going off in your head right now.

I remember reading that book in school and thinking how ridiculous it would be that something like that would ever happen.

I don’t think that anymore, because I’m seeing it play out before my very eyes.

So scary.

If the book continues to play out in real life, next up will be arrests for “thought crimes”.

Are we going to accept this or fight back and say enough is enough?


The woman’s name is Kate Scottow and her story is harrowing.

Take a look:


From MSN:

A MOTHER was arrested in front of her children and locked up for seven hours after referring to a transgender woman as a man online.

Three officers detained Kate Scottow at her home before quizzing her at a police station about an argument with an activist on Twitter over so-called ‘deadnaming’.

The 38-year-old, from Hitchin, Hertfordshire, had her photograph, DNA and fingerprints taken and remains under investigation. 

More than two months after her arrest on December 1, she has had neither her mobile phone or laptop returned, which she says is hampering her studies for a Masters in forensic psychology.

Writing on online forum Mumsnet, Mrs Scottow – who has also been served with a court order that bans her from referring to her accuser as a man – claimed: ‘I was arrested in my home by three officers, with my autistic ten-year-old daughter and breastfed 20-month-old son present. I was then detained for seven hours in a cell with no sanitary products (which I said I needed) before being interviewed then later released under investigation ... I was arrested for harassment and malicious communications because I called someone out and misgendered them on Twitter.’ 

Confirming the arrest, Hertfordshire Police said: ‘We take all reports of malicious communication seriously.’

The case is the latest where police have been accused of being heavy-handed in dealing with people who go online to debate gender issues. 

Sitcom writer Graham Linehan was given a verbal harassment warning by West Yorkshire Police after transgender activist Stephanie Hayden reported him for referring to her by her previous names and pronouns on Twitter. It was complaints by Miss Hayden that led both to the arrest of, and injunction against, Mrs Scottow.

High Court papers obtained by The Mail on Sunday detail how Mrs Scottow is accused of a ‘campaign of targeted harassment’ against Miss Hayden, allegedly motivated by her ‘status as a transgender woman’.

The papers claim that, as a ‘toxic’ debate raged online over plans to allow people to ‘self-ID’ as another gender, Mrs Scottow tweeted ‘defamatory’ messages about Miss Hayden. She is also alleged to have used accounts in two names to ‘harass, defame, and publish derogatory and defamatory tweets’ about Miss Hayden, including referring to her as male, stating she was ‘racist, xenophobic and a crook’ and mocking her as a ‘fake lawyer’.

Mrs Scottow denied harassing or defaming Miss Hayden and said she holds a ‘genuine and reasonable belief’ that a human ‘cannot practically speaking change sex’, but Deputy Judge Jason Coppel QC issued an interim injunction that bans her from posting any personal information about Miss Hayden on social media, ‘referencing her as a man’ or linking her to her ‘former male identity’. Mrs Scottow last night declined to comment.

And from the Mirror:

A mum who was arrested on suspicion of deliberately misgendering a trans woman is set to appear in court.

Kate Scottow was visited by officers from Hertfordshire Police after an online argument allegedly saw her refer to transgender rights activist Stephanie Hayden as a man despite knowing she identified as a woman.

Scottow, 38, was taken to a police station and interviewed following the incident in February and has now been charged with making malicious communications on social media, The Sun reports.

Scottow, of Hitchin, Herts, will now face magistrates in Stevenage on September 18.

Following her arrest she took to forum Mumsnet to describe being confronted in front of her two young children.
A CPS spokesman said: “We made the decision to charge Katherine Scottow after reviewing a file of evidence from Hertfordshire Police relating to social media posts.

“The Crown Prosecution Service reminds all concerned that criminal proceedings against Ms Scottow are now active and that she has a right to a fair trial.

"It is extremely important that there should be no reporting, commentary or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.”

And from the Daily Mail:

Police have charged a mother with trolling after she referred to a transgender woman as a man.

When Kate Scottow was arrested in December, Boris Johnson criticised the move as an 'abuse of manpower and police facilities'.

But now Mrs Scottow, 38, will face magistrates on charges of making malicious communications over social media comments about trans campaigner Stephanie Hayden.

The Crown Prosecution Service said she had been charged over 'persistent' messages designed to cause 'annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety' to another person between September 2018 and May 2019

Three officers arrested Mrs Scottow at her home in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, in December last year as her then ten-year-old daughter and 20-month-old son looked on.

She was taken to a police station where she says she was detained in a cell for up for seven hours before being questioned.

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