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Barack Obama & Eric Holder Team Up To Change Election Maps


Barack Obama couldn’t stay out of politics.

Not with Trump in office!

The former president has just announced the launch of “Redistricting U” – a new program that is part of the All On The Line campaign to redistrict election maps, of which former Obama attorney Eric Holder’s organization National Redistricting Action Fund is associated with.

According to the program's website, "The movement for fair maps will determine the course of progress on every issue we care about for the next decade. And we can’t wait to begin organizing when the redistricting process starts in 2021. We need to build this movement from the ground up – right now."

Eric Holder is also quoted on the website: “With fair maps and a more just electoral system, we can have leaders who are more likely to tackle the important issues facing our country and be more responsive to the needs and desires of the people they were elected to represent.”

But, we all know the truth.

Democrats only care about "fair maps" as long as it will increase their chances of getting their party back in power of this country. 

They can't win justly, so they are doing everything they can to try to change the system so that they can take over our nation once more. 

As proof of this, check out this tweet from Scott Walker exposing Holder's true intentions:


The Hill has more to say about Obama and Holder's new initiative:

Former President Obama on Monday announced a new initiative in a campaign to combat partisan gerrymandering. 

"Training is at the heart of organizing. It’s why I’ve always made it a priority – from my 2008 campaign until now," Obama said in a tweet announcing Redistricting U, part of the All on the Line campaign.

Redistricting U will send trainers throughout the country to offer free, in-person instruction and help to volunteers involved in the redistricting process in states.

According to the campaign's website, the initiative is being pushed to empower individuals to "be leaders in the movement for fair maps."

“The movement for fair maps will determine the course of progress on every issue we care about for the next decade," Obama said. "And we can’t wait to begin organizing when the redistricting process starts in 2021. We need to build this movement from the ground up – right now.”

USA Today also said:

Former President Barack Obama announced a new initiative to combat partisan redistricting on Monday, an issue that he says he has made a priority from his "2008 campaign until now."

"The movement for fair maps will determine the course of progress on every issue we care about for the next decade. And we can’t wait to begin organizing when the redistricting process starts in 2021. We need to build this movement from the ground up – right now,” a webpage for the new project, says quoting Obama

According to thewebsite, the project -- named "Redistricting U" --  "is a free, in-person organizing training initiative" that sends "trainers to cities to train volunteers, giving them the tools to impact the redistricting process in their state and empower them to be leaders in the movement for fair maps.”

The All On The Line website describes the broader organization as a national campaign launched to “restore fairness to our democracy and ensure every American has an equal say in our government.”

The All On The Line campaign began after Organizing for Action, an Obama political organization, merged with his former Attorney General Eric Holder's group, the National Redistricting Action Fund. The merged organization, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), launched the All On The Line campaign.

In July 2018, Obama appeared in a view released by the NDRC  and said that "rethinking the way we draw our congressional districts" is vital to American democracy.


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