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ASKING FOR IT? Jim Acosta Snubbed By Trump!


CNN is the poster child network for fake news, especially news anchor Jim Acosta – who is famous (or shall I say infamous?) for storytelling as opposed to fact-based journalism.

On numerous occasions, Acosta has antagonized President Trump, most notably in November of 2018, when Acosta refused to give up a microphone at a press conference with our president, who later revoked Acosta’s press pass!

President Trump can’t be fooled twice, though.

That’s why at a news conference in France as the G7 – which Trump chose to skip – wrapped up, Trump appeared to ignore Acosta’s question about climate change.

Instead of feeding Acosta’s appetite for conflict, Trump simply strolled off the stage!

Check out the clip of Trump snubbing Jim Acosta here:

When you have a bully, the best thing to do is not engage with them or goad them on.

So, as you may have guessed, President Trump doing this triggered Jim Acosta!

Here's the CNN reporter's response to Trump walking away from him on Twitter:


Fox News has more to say about Trump's decision not to goad Acosta on and the poster child for Fake News' response:

CNN’s Jim Acosta on Thursday bemoaned the fact that President Trump didn’t call on him during a news conference after the abrupt end of the Hanoi summitbetween the U.S. and North Korea.

During a segment following the news conference, Acosta asserted that Trump may have avoided White House press corps journalists in an effort to dodge questions about Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, who testified Wednesday on the Capitol Hill.

“First of all, we have to point out the obvious, which is the president steered clear largely during this news conference of the White House press corps and instead selected journalists at random from the other side of the room, where foreign journalists were seated,” Acosta said.

But Acosta didn't mention that Trump called on at least two journalists from the White House press corps, including CBS’s Major Garrett – who was the first reporter called on – and ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, who quizzed Trump on Cohen’s testimony.

“[Michael Cohen] lied a lot,” Trump said in response to the Cohen testimony, which occurred in Washington, more than 13,000 miles from Hanoi. “But it was very interesting because he didn't lie about one thing, he said, 'no collusion with the Russian hoax.'”

President Trump snubbing him wasn't the only thing Acosta got all twisted up about regarding Trump's skipping of the G7 summit.

The Washington Examiner said this about Acosta's reaction:

CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta likened what he described as the erratic nature of President Trump's press conference at the G7 summit to a cat chasing a laser pointer.


One example he used dealt with Trump floating the idea to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin back into the G7 next year. The country was expelled from what was then G8 after it annexed Crimea from the Ukraine. Another example Acosta used was about Trump's handling of climate change questions.


"The president skipped a meeting on climate change here at this G7 summit and so, as if often the case with these press conferences with the president, it is like a cat chasing a laser pointer, you know, when it comes to trying to get the President to answer a direct question," Acosta said.


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