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Marine Corps Commandant Refuses To Use Troops At Border–‘It’s An Unacceptable Risk’

Military guarding the Mexican border

One of the many solutions for the border crisis was to put the military in place instead of the wall –or at least, until the structure is in place.  However, the commandant of the Marines warned the Pentagon that is an unacceptable risk and he cannot support that to happen.

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Apparently, it isn’t just the risk of being so close to the border with the often violent illegal immigrants.  Recently, the military has deployed unplanned and unbudgeted troops to the border until the border wall could get its financing.  The result was he had to reduce or in some cases, cancel military training in at least five countries and delay some urgent repairs on the bases.

L.A. Times had this to say about the issue:

Neller, a four-star general, said because of the problems, Marines will not participate in planned training exercises in Indonesia, Scotland, and Mongolia, and will reduce their participation in joint exercises with Australia and South Korea.

Marines “rely on the hard, realistic training” of the training exercises “to develop the individual and collective skills necessary to prepare for high-end combat,” said Neller, who has been commandant since September 2015.

He complained about canceling or shrinking the Marines’ participation “at a time where we are attempting to double down on strengthening alliances and attracting new partners.”

Here’s what people online are saying about this issue:

For more on the story, watch the video here:


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