The Trump Train seems to be building steam!
And that’s good timing as we head into the middle of 2019 and then right into election season for 2020.
Trump has never been stronger!
Here's a great piece from PennLive:
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When Donald Trump is able to take his message directly to the American people, rather than wait for it to filter through the mainstream media, the people like what they hear.
Day after day, the biased press publish an endless array of news reports and opinion columns intended to attack President Trump’s policies and portray him as a failure.
This narrative, however, is utterly misleading — and the president set the record straight in his State of the Union address, which received an overwhelmingly positive response from the public.
According to a poll conducted over the three days following the speech, President Trump’s popularity soared to its highest level since shortly after he took office, with 52 percent of likely voters approving of his performance in the White House.
The Rasmussen poll, which is updated daily based on a three-day rolling average of survey responses, showed that the president’s approval rating jumped by an impressive nine percentage points in just over one week.
By contrast, Obama’s approval rating at the same point in his presidency was at 50 percent — 2 points lower than President Trump’s post-SOTU popularity.
The impressive spike in the president’s approval rating is all the more stunning in light of the relentless mainstream media attacks on his administration, which reached a fever pitch during the partial government shutdown that ended Jan. 25.
Instead of focusing on the remarkable performance of the U.S. economy, for instance, the liberal press repeatedly warned that the shutdown would devastate the economy, even as the economic data continued to show strong job growth throughout the impasse.
Meanwhile, mainstream news outlets continued to focus on the partisan witch hunt looking for nonexistent Russian collusion, baselessly accusing President Trump of being a Russian operative who is working on behalf of Moscow.
In one particularly revealing instance, the Special Counsel’s office actually had to refute the claims made in a sensationalist, but thinly sourced, Buzzfeed News article.
Confronted with this barrage of lies about his administration, President Trump had only his record of policy accomplishments and unifying vision for America to offer in response. Fortunately, that was more than enough.
For more than two years, the President has fearlessly defended the interests of the American people, fighting to strengthen the well-being of millions of workers who were long abandoned by the political establishment in Washington.
As a result, unemployment dropped to a 49-year low in 2018, while GDP growth rose to a level not seen since 2005. Meanwhile, the President also signed legislation combating the opioid crisis and achieved bipartisan prison reform that had eluded the grasp of politicians in both parties for decades.
And TownHall reports that Trump's approval rating with Latinos has "skyrocketed" after the news over the Wall:
President Trump's approval rating has skyrocketed among Latinos during the government shutdown over the border wall.
According to a new NPR/PBS News Hour/Marist Poll, his approval among the demographic has improved by 20 points since December. The poll was taken from January 10-13, 2019 and asked "Do you approve or disapprove of the job Donald Trump is doing as president? [And, would you say you strongly approve/disapprove of the job he is doing or just approve/disapprove?]"
Twenty-nine percent of Latinos responded "strongly approve," with another 22 percent who "approve." The combined number puts his approval at 51 percent. Nearly half, 41 percent, "strongly disapprove."Â
In December, 31 percent of Latinos approved and 64 percent disapproved.
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