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Dr. Dave Janda: “Globalists Win if MAGA Supporters Walk”


We love covering Dr. Dave Janda here at WeLoveTrump.  

For more on his background and credentials, check out this article we just published.

Janda recently went on Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog and gave a wide-ranging 80+ minute interview. 

The whole thing is amazing, but I especially wanted to post this because I believe Janda has some great insight into the new spending bill Trump just signed.

Janda says Trump got a lot right and some parts wrong.

I think that’s accurate and a great response.

The one thing he makes VERY CLEAR is that to abandon our President right now is the absolute wrong move!

I have to say I’m pleased that I haven’t seen many people doing that online, but I have seen a few.

So if you know anyone saying that, please send them this article so they can watch the video below.

In a world of Ann Coulters, be a Dave Janda.

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