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Migrants FURIOUS As Mexico Closes Shelter For Migrant Caravan!

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BIG NEWS:  that heartless, vile, evil, big meany human being known as President Donald J. Trump has closed a shelter housing migrants from the caravan!  


Wait…..sorry, hang on……nope, that wasn’t Donald Trump it was MEXICO!  Tijuana, Mexico!

Everyone wants the U.S.A. to accept thousands of unvetted, undocumented illlegal migrants, yet when our border is closed and Mexico has to hold them instead, they suddenly don’t seem to like it so much.

How interesting!

The official reason given for the closure was “sanitary reasons” but the migrants didn’t seem to like that answer very much.  

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Here's the official report, from Reuters:

TIJUANA, Mexico (Reuters) - Federal police took steps to close a migrant shelter in Mexico’s city of Tijuana on Friday, sparking protests from some of the dozens of U.S.-bound people who had been staying there after traveling in a caravan from Central America.

A migrant, part of a caravan of thousands from Central America trying to reach the United States, wraps a raincoat around himself to protect from rainfall at a temporary shelter in Tijuana, Mexico, December December 25, 2018. 

The arrival of several thousand migrants in recent months, many fleeing poverty and violence in Honduras, has challenged Mexico’s new president to make good on pledges to protect migrants in Mexico, just as the United States makes it increasingly hard for them to cross the border. 

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who began his presidency last month, has yet to detail how he will improve what he has described as deplorable conditions for people trekking thousands of miles across Mexico to the U.S. border. 

Officials in mid-December said that, of the nearly 6,000 migrants who had arrived in Tijuana in recent caravans, about half were at a large shelter in a former concert venue and another several hundred had dispersed to other shelters in the city, such as the one being closed. About 1,000 had crossed into the United States, while another 1,000 returned to their home countries. 

Tijuana officials cited sanitary reasons for closing the shelter, a two-story warehouse in a zone known for crime and prostitution near the border. 

The industrial site was overcrowded, poorly lit and lacked proper facilities for food preparation, said Isain Venegas, a supervisor in Mexico’s public health system. Common illnesses had been treated, he added. 

Officials told migrants that they could move to the bigger shelter, run by the federal government, about 7 miles (11 km) from the border. 

Many migrants protested, saying they did not expect other sites to be any better.

“Not one of the shelters in Tijuana has the conditions for them to keep us in ... the authorities are tricking us,” said Honduran migrant Reinerio Laine.

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Officials told migrants, many fleeing poverty and violence in Honduras, they could move to a bigger shelter, run by the federal government, about seven miles from the border.

But dozens protested about the closure, saying they did not expect other sites to be any better.

Honduran migrant Reinerio Laine said: “Not one of the shelters in Tijuana has the conditions for them to keep us in.

“The authorities are tricking us.”

The migrants were joined by US activists, forcing federal and local police in riot uniforms to take formation at the entrance.

Others migrants walked to nearby shelters, while some waited for a bus to take them to the larger government-run facility.

Mexico’s president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has failed to talk about how he will improve the “deplorable conditions” for the migrants travelling thousands of miles across Mexico to the US border.

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Maria Claros, 28, from Honduras said: “We had hoped that now with President Lopez Obrador he could see the conditions we’re in.

“They said he was going to help, but they’ve treated us worse than animals.”

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