President Trump just posted a Tweet that was aimed directly at CNN and as he says the entire “Fake News Universe” regarding the MAGA Hat controversy.
CNN and others initially reported that President Trump handed out and then signed MAGA Hats, acts which they claim violate certain Federal laws.
President Trump just took to Twitter to post a very clear rebuke of those details.
Take a look:
CNN & others within the Fake News Universe were going wild about my signing MAGA hats for our military in Iraq and Germany. If these brave young people ask me to sign their hat, I will sign. Can you imagine my saying NO? We brought or gave NO hats as the Fake News first reported!
Others Tweeted in defense of our President:
Now, here's the part most people are missing about this story.
In fact, this IS the story.....
If President Trump brought no MAGA Hats with him, then that means the troops already had them!
If anyone knows anything about deployments in places like Iraq, you don't get to bring a lot of personal items with you.
In fact, you get to keep very little.
You have a small space, not a lot of room for personal items.
You have to travel very light and you typically live in a very stark environment.
So what this means is the troops chose to make one of their very few possessions a MAGA hat!
In other words, President Trump is wildly popular with our armed forces!
And the videos prove that out too, take a look:
You can draw your own conclusions, but I see a military that LOVES their Commander In Chief!
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