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LET ‘ER RIP: James Woods Rips Obama’s Legacy As Obamacare Ruled Unconstitutional

James Woods is a national treasure.


You probably heard….on Friday, a Federal judge ruled that Obamacare was Unconstitutional.

Calling it a “stunning rebuke”, here’s what ABC News / Yahoo posted about the revocation:

A federal judge delivered a stunning rebuke to the Affordable Care Act late Friday, ruling the individual mandate is unconstitutional and nullifying the entire ACA in a case brought by 20 Republican state attorneys general.

President Donald Trump celebrated the ruling immediately, saying on Twitter, “As I predicted all along, Obamacare has been struck down as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL disaster!”

The president spent much of his first year in office attempting to repeal the ACA, known informally as Obamacare for its proponent in the White House before Trump. The last Republican-led health care bill was defeated in July 2017 when the late Sen. John McCain voted against it.

The president also implored Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and soon-to-be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to work out a new health care bill.

The law will remain in place for now as the appeal process continues, a fact acknowledged by White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, even as the executive branch took a victory lap.

“Obamacare has been struck down by a highly respected judge. The judge’s decision vindicates President Trump’s position that Obamacare is unconstitutional,” Sanders said in a White House statement. “Once again, the President calls on Congress to replace Obamacare and act to protect people with preexisting conditions and provide Americans with quality affordable healthcare. We expect this ruling will be appealed to the Supreme Court. Pending the appeal process, the law remains in place.”

District Court Judge Reed O’Connor of Texas wrote in his decision, “Sometimes, a court must determine whether the Constitution grants Congress the power it asserts and what results if it does not. If a party shows that a policymaker exceeded the authority granted it by the Constitution, the fruit of that unauthorized action cannot stand.”

O’Connor ruled, in the 55-page document, “The Court finds that both plain text and Supreme Court precedent dictate that the Individual Mandate is unconstitutional under either provision.”


And so did the incomparable James Woods in this beauty:

"If indeed ObamaCare were to be ruled unconstitutional by the appellate courts and, finally, the Supreme Court, Obama’s legacy would at last be wiped clean. It would be as if he never existed."

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The WesternJournal had a great summary that I enjoyed very much:

Hollywood actor and conservative commentator James Woods has never had a problem turning his personal Twitter account into a scalding-hot weapon against leftists.

Whether it’s an airhead like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, leftists throwing public tantrums or Democrats, the ease and fluidity with which Woods can excoriate his ideological foes is truly a sight to behold.

This time, Woods has put his crosshairs directly on former President Barack Obama, and the results are just as destructive as you’d think.

After Obamacare was ruled unconstitutional by a Texas judge, it didn’t take long for Woods to scorch Obama.

“If indeed ObamaCare were to be ruled unconstitutional by the appellate courts and, finally, the Supreme Court, Obama’s legacy would at last be wiped clean,” Woods tweeted.

He ended his Twitter comment with a rather brutal burn.

“It would be as if he never existed,” Woods said.

Truly, few of Obama’s actions in the Oval Office have had the widespread impact and lasting effect of his Obamacare initiative.

It still boggles my mind that so many Americans thought that government-mandated taxes associated with controlling an aspect of a citizen’s private life were, in any way, constitutional.

Leftists sold it as health care for all, and in a socialist fantasy it might have made some sense. But socialism is just that, a fantasy, and the idea of the government forcing you to purchase anything should be appalling to any civic-minded American.

While I clearly agree with the greater point of Woods’ disdain for Obamacare, I do have a minor quibble with his “It would be as if he never existed” remark.



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