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MTGA? Tijuana Mayor Calls For ‘Arrest’ of Caravan Organizers!

This is a Mexican Mayor folks, it's no longer a "racial" issue.


Despite what the MSM would like you to believe, the Migrant Caravan is not a “racial” issue.  

And it’s not a humanitarian issue.

Because the Mayor of Tijuana (yes, THAT Tijuana ….. in Mexico!) just shredded those two narratives.

It’s no longer just big, bad Donald Trump who has no heart for failing to accept in the migrant hordes (sarcasm alert!).

Now the Mexican Mayor of Tijuana has made it clear he agrees with Donald Trump.

The other day he was even spotted wearing a red MTGA hat!  No joke!

You gotta love it.


Take a look:

And today he just upped the ante by declaring he's ready to cut funding to the Migrant Caravan and declaring the organizers should be arrested!

Take a look, from Sean Hannity:

The Mayor of Tijuana took his war against the Central American migrant caravan to the next level Friday; saying he was prepared to stop funding the asylum seekers and calling for the arrest of their leading organizers.

Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum was speaking with Fox News when he was asked to comment on the escalating “humanitarian crisis” taking place in his city.

“I’m not going to break public services to solve this problem,” the Tijuana mayor said.

“In those six hours that the border was closed, we lost approximately 129 million pesos,” he said. “That’s not fair. How do you think people from Tijuana feel towards those people who are making problems?”

“Those are the real criminals because they’re dealing with the lives of people,” he added, referencing the organizer’s behind the caravan whom he believes should face criminal charges.

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Fox News had more:

TIJUANA, Mexico – After declaring the migrant caravan a “humanitarian crisis” this week, Mayor Juan Manuel Gastélum told Fox News that he can no longer continue to fund the municipal effort to shelter them without federal assistance.

“I’m not going to break public services to solve this problem,” the Tijuana mayor said.

Even worse, he could be forced to raise taxes on Tijuana’s 1.7 million residents who have already suffered from Sunday’s clashes.

“In those six hours that the border was closed, we lost approximately 129 million pesos,” he said. “That's not fair. How do you think people from Tijuana feel towards those people who are making problems?”

Authorities in the Mexican city of Tijuana have begun moving some of more than 6,000 Central American migrants from an overcrowded shelter on the border to an events hall further away. 

Meanwhile, conditions for the migrants in the tent city encampment worsened overnight with heavy winds and rain – flooding overcrowded spaces, leaving wet clothes, sleeping bags and litter strewn about an unsanitary and inhumane existence.

Efforts were underway to move some of them to a new location because of reports that more migrants were making their way to Tijuana.

Mayor Gastélum blames the organizers for whom he cannot identify. He said they should be held accountable. He said the leaders of the caravan should face criminal charges.

“Those are the real criminals because they're dealing with the lives of people,” he says.

You know the thing that stands out to me in that story?

It's that he refers to the "organizers" of the Migrant Caravan!

Wait a minute (more sarcasm alert) ...... I thought this Caravan just organically formed from people wanting to leave Venezuela or some other South or Central American country?  

Who are these "organizers" he's referring to?


I report, you decide.  

Draw your own conclusions.  


Read More >> Federal Judge Just Ruled AGAINST Hillary Clinton; She Must Testify Under Oath

Read More >> Trump Has Undercover Agents In The Migrant Caravan!


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