If you know anything about TV, you are probably familiar with a Chuck Lorre show.
He’s the guy behind famous shows like Two and a Half Men, The Big Bang Theory, Mike & Molly, and others.
What you might not know is that he always posts a “Vanity Card” at the end of each episode of every show.
The cards have about a paragraph or two of text, and could be on any topic. Many are the random musings of whatever happens to be on Lorre’s mind at the moment.
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They only flash up for a second or less, so they’re imperceptible unless you’re watching by DVR and pause on the exact moment to read it.
Of course, they’re also catalogued on the Internet.
But still, many people don’t even see them or know they exist.
But it was the recent one that he posted about President Trump and Trump supporters that is causing a huge problem.
It’s phrased as a prayer, and a very sarcastic one at that.
It goes to great lengths to defame President Trump and his supporters (like you and me!) and then ends by asking God to essentially “smite” President Trump.
Stay classy, Chuck.
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So sad.
Take a look here:
Bigger view:

Here's the full text:
“God, (I call you that even though I suspect thou art well beyond names and words and might actually be some sort of ineffable quantum situation), (sic) I humbly beseech thee to make thy presence known on November 6th,” he began, apparently peppering his prose with extra commas just in case.
“Demonstrate your omnipotence through us as we make ink marks on little circles in curtained booths,” the prayer continued. “Of course if you, in your divine wisdom, believe a fascist, hate-filled, fear-mongering, demagogic, truth-shattering, autocratic golf-cheater is what we need right now, then, you know, thy will be done.
“But if thou art inclined to more freedom, more love, more compassion, and just more of that good stuff thou hath been promoting in our hearts or our parietal lobes — either one, doesn’t really matter — I submissively ask that thy encourage voter turnout in that general direction.
“Also God, please help Bob Mueller,” it added. “Guide him and make him strong, brave, wise and true. And yes, I know there must be thousands of guys named Bob Mueller, so why not help them all, just to be on the safe side. Amen.”
“Oh, almost forgot, remind those who collaborate with the darkness that thou art the light, and the light is not above whipping out a little Old Testament wrath,” he concluded. “Amen again.”
So, what do you think?
Funny? Or offensive?
Is this another show to avoid?

The first SIX top comments on Twitter all found the post not-funny or offensive!
America is waking up, and we're tired of this anti-God, anti-Trump, anti-Conservative values crap!
Yet another thing to remember when you vote in the Midterms!
And yet another show to stop watching?
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