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Chuck Schumer Is Angry…About President Trump Eating French Fries

Trump knows by now that Democrats are always watching him for any false move they can create a fake scandal with. But come on...this is ridiculous.


Chuck Schumer spent your tax dollars on Capitol Hill today by ripping President Trump to a group of New York Times reporters.

What for? For not ordering the same dinner than Schumer did at a meeting.

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Schumer, in a decision that will affect the course of American history, ordered a cheeseburger without a bun during his recent meeting with Trump.

Trump, the New York senator said with a straight face, ordered his with a bun and “a whole lot of french fries.” 

More on Schumer’s “policy-wonk” criticism from Newsmax:

Top Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said Friday that President Donald Trump does not appear to be following his diet after his medical examination earlier this month.

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Schumer, the New Yorker and Senate Minority Leader, told The New York Times Friday that he ordered a bun-less cheeseburger when he had lunch with Trump last Friday at the White House to discuss a last-minute immigration deal to avert a federal shutdown.

Trump, Schumer said, ordered a cheeseburger with a bun and “a whole lot of French fries.”

“I said, ‘You’re not really paying attention to your diet,” Schumer told the Times in a podcast, “and he said, ‘No.'”

Navy Dr. Ronny Jackson said that President Trump was in “excellent health” after his Jan. 12 physical at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, but later acknowledged to CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta that he was already on cholesterol-lowering medication.

Schumer should save his tears over Presidents not being fellow anti-carb nuts. There are more important things on the plate.

Like the fact that the current POTUS is reversing the entire Democratic agenda piece by piece…in between gulps of french fries.


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