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BREAKING: DOJ Reopened Hillary Clinton Email Investigation!


It’s happening!

Folks, I keep telling you, 2018 is going to be the year it all breaks WIDE open!  The “it” in that sentence is the exposure of the Deep State criminal activities, spurheaded by none other than the Clintons, Obamas, Podestas and all their filthy ilk!

Donald Trump spent most of his first year in office laying low, laying the groundwork behind the scenes so that he could pounce on these criminals when he was ready.  When the Deep State had been expunged from his administration, and when he had the tools needed to arrest and, more importantly, convict these criminals.

And what do we have now, already, on January 4, 2018?

This beauty:

That's right!  This is the real deal!

Here's more on this breaking story, from the Washington Examiner:

The Department of Justice has caved to pressure from the White House and is reportedly reopening the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

According to the Daily Beast, there is a new effort in the department to get new details on how Clinton and her aides — including former top aide Huma Abedin — handled classified material. The effort will look at how much classified information was on her private email server, and how that information got there.

Last week, conservative group Judicial Watch won a lawsuit against the State Department and released emails showing that classified information was on the computer of Abedin’s then-husband Anthony Weiner.

The FBI previously investigated and declined to criminally prosecute Clinton for her use of the email server. But Trump and his supporters used the email debacle as a rallying cry throughout the campaign.

The findings from a separate Justice Department’s inspector general probe into how the FBI handled the email use is expected to be released sometime this spring.

President Trump has continually questioned if and when the Justice Department would reopen its investigation into Clinton. He tweeted on Dec. 2: “Many people in our Country are asking what the ‘Justice’ Department is going to do about the fact that totally Crooked Hillary, AFTER receiving a subpoena from the United States Congress, deleted and ‘acid washed’ 33,000 Emails? No justice!”

Check back frequently as we update this wild story!  

Will Hillary be in a jail cell by the end of 2018?  Your comments welcome below!


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