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The Tragic Reason Why President Trump NEVER Drinks Alcohol


Donald Trump is probably the first SOBER President we’ve had in years.  Decades even.  Ever?  Maybe so.

The reason, though, is heartbreaking.  

Donald Trump swore off drinking at an early age when he saw what it did to his older brother, Fred.

Here’s more on the story, from SkyNews:

Donald Trump has opened up about his “rebellious” childhood, early career ambitions and why he has never drunk alcohol.In an interview for Fox News filmed in September, before he won last week’s presidential election, he was asked about his brother Freddy who died in 1981.

Referring to a picture of Freddy and other family members hanging on the wall, interviewer and TMZ founder Harvey Levin said to Mr Trump: “He died at 42, really from alcoholism.”

The billionaire businessman and now President-elect responded: “I’ve never had a drink because of my brother.”

He had previously told Newsweek that Freddy, who was eight years older than him, advised him not to drink.

“He would tell me, ‘Don’t ever drink. Don’t ever drink,'” Mr Trump said. 

In the Fox interview, Mr Trump also said when he was growing up and thinking about what to do as a career, he said he was keen on film production, rather than business school.

He said: “I wanted to make motion pictures. I liked it. l liked the glamour of movies.”

He also spoke about why he was sent to military school in upstate New York as a child, saying his property tycoon father thought it would instil discipline in him.


Mr Trump admitted he was rebellious as a child.

He said: “My father thought it would be good for discipline reasons. I was just somebody who was rebellious.”

And he did not resent his father for sending him there, saying: “No, not at all, I understood.”

In the interview, he also recounted stories behind photos, letters, trophies and other cherished keepsakes he’s acquired throughout his lifetime.

If you ask me, it's one more thing that makes me love this President!


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