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CRAZY: Leading Anti-Establishment Liberal DEFENDS Trump, TRASHES Media In Powerful Statement!

Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept takes aim right between the eyes of the MSM in an amazing, full condemnation of the Fake News networks covering Trump.


There are open-minded liberals out there. Some of them voted for Barack Obama and then Donald Trump. 

Others, like world-famous “underground” writer Glenn Greenwald, have consistently defended the integrity of right-wingers in Congress like Ron and Rand Paul. 

Greenwald’s web magazine The Intercept publishes a wide variety of left-leaning opinions. But Greenwald has always maintained that Trump is a victim of a coup-attempt by the D.C. establishment, the media, and the “Deep State.” 

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It’s been going on for over a year now, and The Intercept has seen enough! They might be on the “side” of those who prefer Democrats sometimes, but they know fake journalism when they see it.

Greenwald is especially angry that CNN and CBS just ran another Fake News story as a bombshell on air, making up a story about a silly email from a random Wikileaks fan, trying to incriminate Donald Trump Jr. for getting “secret info from the Russians” when he opened it. 

Like a patriot, his latest column is an EPIC take-down of the mainstream media as fake, agenda-driven, dangerous hacks! 

Some excerpts:

It’s hard to quantify exactly how many people were deceived – filled with false news and propaganda – by the CNN story. 

But thanks to Democratic-loyal journalists and operatives who decree every Trump/Russia claim to be true without seeing any evidence, it’s certainly safe to say that many hundreds of thousands of people, almost certainly millions, were exposed to these false claims.

No Russian Facebook ad or Twitter bot could possibly have anywhere near the impact as this CNN story had when it comes to deceiving people with blatantly inaccurate information.

For multiple reasons, the probability is very high that these sources were Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee (or their high-level staff members), which is the committee that obtained access to Trump Jr.’s emails, although it’s certainly possible that it’s someone else. 

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We won’t know until these news outlets deign to report this crucial information to the public: which “multiple sources” acted jointly to disseminate incredibly inflammatory, false information to the nation’s largest news outlets?

What one should expect with journalistic “mistakes” is that they sometimes go in one direction, and other times go in the other direction. That’s exactly what has not happened here. Virtually every false story published goes only in one direction: to be as inflammatory and damaging as possible on the Trump/Russia story and about Russia particularly. At some point, once “mistakes” all start going in the same direction, toward advancing the same agenda, they cease looking like mistakes.

Greenwald concludes by saying that the mainstream media is becoming a “grave threat to our democracy and cherished freedom.”

Powerful stuff! Like and SHARE! 


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