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BREAKING: President “Hitler” STUNS Media With Historic Israel Policy Change!

President Trump will soon recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on behalf of the United States, a break with over 7 decades of Western policy.


The liberal media has spent a lot of time trying to link President Trump’s 2016 campaign with Nazis, using a clever slippery slope. 

Conservative media? Oh, that’s the “alt-right.” Which is another way of saying white nationalist. Which is another way of saying Nazi. 

Sure, the tiny number of actual neo-Nazis in America often vote Republican – sometimes even 3rd party. But who care about those idiots. Has anyone actually read their history?

Read More: Trump Hater Lavar Ball Shows America What A LOSER He Is With Shocking Announcement!

If they did, they would know that Nazis *hate* Jews and hate modern Israel. 

What is Trump doing? He is set to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the most pro-Jewish foreign policy move in several generations! 

More from Politico:

NATIONAL POLL: Do You Trust Fox News?

President Donald Trump is expected to announce on Wednesday that the United States is recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and will eventually move its embassy there from Tel Aviv, a decision that could trigger outrage throughout much of the Middle East and threaten the administration’s efforts to strike a peace deal in the region.

The president made a round of phone calls to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jordanian King Abdullah in which he outlined his intentions, according to readouts of the calls from foreign officials.

Both Israelis and Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital. But the U.S. and most of the rest of the world have declined to take a position on the fate of the holy city, saying it’s a topic to resolve during peace negotiations. Peace negotiators have long envisioned that Jerusalem would be divided between the two sides.

State Department officials have warned the White House and embassies worldwide that the decision could result in violence in the region.

On Monday the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs tweeted a warning about “[w]idespread calls for demonstrations beginning Dec. 6 in Jerusalem & the West Bank,” adding that U.S. government employees and their families are “restricted from personal travel in Jerusalem’s Old City & in the West Bank.”

Fake News Translator: “State Department officials” = “A few Obama holdovers who are friends with our weaseley writing staff at Politico.” 


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