Pelosi Claims Biden Administration Has Border Situation “Under Control”
Whether Pelosi is telling the truth or not depends on what your definition of "under control" means.
Whether Pelosi is telling the truth or not depends on what your definition of "under control" means.
This is a prime example and clear evidence of the border crisis Democrats either deny or blame Trump for. Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX) made a...
Breaking news from the U.S. House of Representatives: The House just voted 228-197 in favor of an immigration bill that will create a path to...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott put Biden on blast for his ineffective leadership, and refusal to address the border crisis.
Joe Biden’s open border policy has been a total train wreck. But a new report reveals things are more catastrophic than anyone could have imagined....
President Trump: "Our country is being destroyed at the Southern border."
Joe Biden sure has had a habit of being sued since he became president. After 12 states sued Biden over his use of climate change...
Governor Greg Abbott isn't waiting around for Joe Biden to solve the border crisis in Texas.
Joe Biden has destroyed much of the safety measures created by President Donald Trump that would have haulted illegal immigration into the country. Large crowds...
It’s officially easier for migrants to enter the United States than legal citizens returning from their lawful travels abroad. If you’re a law-abiding citizen, you...