Forget George Santos: Here’s a List of Democrat Liars Beginning with Elizabeth Warren
Have you heard about George Santos? He’s the newly elected congressman from New York who lied about his resume. Now, Democrats are demanding that he...
Have you heard about George Santos? He’s the newly elected congressman from New York who lied about his resume. Now, Democrats are demanding that he...
Once Pocahontas… always Pocahontas… Seriously, you'd think the Democrats would have learned their lesson by now. Despite the fact that a blood test showed Elizabeth...
One of the most abominable ideas pushed by Democrats recently? Medicare-for-all. Obamacare, which vastly increased government control over healthcare, was supposed to fix everything. Instead,...
Everyone was starting to wonder if Elizabeth Warren would ever come around to endorsing Joe Biden. She put any concerns to rest on Wednesday in...
Elizabeth Warren had perhaps one of the most interesting presidential campaigns. At first, she wouldn’t throw her support behind Medicare-for-All. Then, she endorsed the program,...
The “Do as I say, not as I do” Democrats are really something! A real piece of work, that is. As they constantly lecture us...
Elizabeth Warren is falling in the polls, but if elected president, she has promised to cancel billions of dollars of student loan debt. And, she...
This was really something. Of course I do not watch MSNBC and definitely not this show, but someone showed me this clip and I had...
Is this who you want in the White House? Is this how you want your tax dollars spent? You ok with RAISING taxes to pay...
In case you thought Democrat forerunner Elizabeth Warren couldn’t get anymore radical, think again. While campaigning at a Latino event in North Carolina Friday, Warren...