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President Trump’s FULL SPEECH From Waco, TX MAGA Rally


Wow, what a day!

We’ve been covering the Waco, TX MAGA Rally all day and it’s been amazing!

I was just telling someone that President Trump looks STRONGER and YOUNGER than ever before.

How is that possible?

But don’t you agree?

What an incredible day!

Let me give a few recaps in case you missed it…

Here’s a look at the massive lines that formed 12 hours early:

Massive Lines Form For Trump Waco Rally 12 Hours Before The Event!

Here's how our POTUS arrived (in style):

Trump Force One Is Set To Fly Once Again!

Then we had a ROCKING Anthem from Ted Nugent:

WATCH: Ted Nugent Delivers “Firebreathing” Star-Spangled Banner In Waco!

Mike Lindell:

Mike Lindell: Full Speech From The Waco Trump MAGA Rally!

Matt Gaetz:


And now the big one...


Daddy T., President Donald J. Trump himself.

#45 and #47?

Or is that #19?

Here is his FULL SPEECH in case you missed it.

From Rumble:


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