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Democrat Officials Get Fooled By Fake Country!


Democrats officials from Newark, New Jersey back in January sat down with “delegates” from “Kailasa” in order to “promote cultural and commercial ties.”

There’s a major problem though.

Kailasa isn’t even a country!

Just six day after meeting with the so-called delegates Newark’s mayor and other City Hall officials were tricked by Indian scam artist and cult leader Swami Nithyananda.

A spokesman for Newark’s City Hall stated “Although this was a regrettable incident, the city of Newark remains committed to partnering with people from diverse cultures in order to enrich each other with connectivity, support, and mutual respect.”

Here’s what the Post Millennial reported:

In January, officials from Newark, New Jersey sat down with “delegates” from Kailasa, which they were told was a Hindunation off the coast of South America. It has since been revealed that Kailasa is a fake country invented by infamous Indian scam artist, cult leader, and alleged rapist Swami Nithyananda.

In their excitement over “partnering with people from diverse cultures,” Newark officials, including the mayor, failed to uncover the truth.

According to the New York Post, just six days after the January 12 ceremony, City Hall admitted that they’d been duped, announcing that the agreement between them and Kailasa had been rendered “baseless and void.” They ensured the public that no money changed hands and that the endeavor was motivated, on their part, solely by the desire to promote cultural and commercial ties via the sister city program.

During the ceremony, Mayor Ras Baraka said as much, telling Kailasa’s delegates he hoped the agreement “helps to understand cultural, social, and political development and improves the lives of everybody in both places.”

A City Hall spokesperson stated afterward, “Although this was a regrettable incident, the city of Newark remains committed to partnering with people from diverse cultures in order to enrich each other with connectivity, support, and mutual respect.”

Check out what Free Beacon reported:

Newark, New Jersey’s Democratic-run city hall admitted last week to falling for a fraud when officials held a “Sister City” ceremony with the Hindu nation of “Kailasa”—a country that does not exist, created by an Indian cult leader on the run from the law over rape charges.

In a city hall ceremony in January, Newark mayor Ras Baraka (D.) and other officials met with delegates of the fake country to sign an agreement of partnership.

“I pray that our relationship helps us to understand cultural, social, and political development and improves the lives of everybody in both places,” Baraka said at the time.

After city hall realized “Kailasa” doesn’t exist, however, Newark Democrats were forced to admit they were duped and resort to damage control.

The city of Newark in a statement told CBS News the fraud was a “regrettable incident” but insisted no money was exchanged in the agreement. Councilman Luis Quintana (D.) said, “This is an oversight, cannot happen any longer.”

All they had to do was go on Google…

But they couldn’t even do that!


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