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An Update On John Fetterman


John Fetterman seems to be quite the iron man. …

Following the hospitalization of the Pennsylvania Democrat, reports and rumors that Senator John Fetterman was brain dead or severely incapacitated began to circulate.

Republicans demanded to see a clean bill of health or at least proof that he was alive.

Yesterday the story took an unexpected turn, with Fetterman co-sponsoring a bill from the hospital. …

The bill is purportedly aimed at curbing child labor, yet last time I checked it wasn’t 1904—child labor is not a problem in America.

I’ll tell you what is a problem, historically high inflation, endless wars, and the general corruption of our government.

Fetterman recently tweeted:

Notable conservatives and independent media outlets were quick to suspicion and believe that Fetterman’s sudden co-sponsorship of the bill is merely an attempt to create the illusion that he is healthy. …

According to Fox News, political pundits weren’t the only ones to find the news odd:

Fetterman this week co-sponsored rail safety legislation, despite currently being hospitalized.

New York University medical professor Dr. Marc Siegel told Fox News Digital that, while we should accept depression as an illness and encourage treatment, he finds it “very unusual” Fetterman is continuing his course of work from the hospital.


The Gateway Pundit adds:

Fetterman is in such bad shape that Pennsylvania Republicans are calling on him to appear on camera to prove he is “alive and well” or resign.

“Because of the now confirmed lies that were told during the 2022 general election regarding the health of Senator John Fetterman, as well as the threats made against a journalist who interviewed him, the Washington County Republican Party refuses to take assurances from the Office of the Senator or Democrat operatives that Fetterman is able to carry out his duties as Senator,” the Washington County Republican Party said in a Facebook post.


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