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UK Government Considered Exterminating Pet Cats During Early COVID Madness, Former Health Minister Says


Governments around the world went insane and displayed disgusting authoritarianism during COVID-19.

Despite the tyrannical mandates and restrictions deployed in many countries, government officials considered other crazy policies.

In the United Kingdom, government officials considered euthanizing all pet cats during the early days of COVID madness.

Former Deputy Health Minister Lord James Bethell said the UK government considered this action because they weren’t sure if domestic cats could transmit coronavirus.

Thus, the UK government would have no problem killing the country’s pet cats if they deemed it necessary.

Pure insanity!

“What we shouldn’t forget is how little we understood about this disease. There was a moment we were very unclear about whether domestic pets could transmit the disease,” he said.

“In fact, there was an idea at one moment that we might have to ask the public to exterminate all the cats in Britain. Can you imagine what would have happened if we had wanted to do that?” he added.


The Guardian reported:

In July 2020, at the height of the Covid crisis, cat owners were warned not to kiss their pets after a female Siamese became the first known animal in the UK to catch the disease.

Margaret Hosie, a professor of comparative virology at Glasgow University who led the screening programme, advised cat owners at the time to “observe very careful hygiene”.

It comes as Lord Bethell’s boss at the time, Matt Hancock, the former health secretary, is facing a series of claims based on a leaked cache of more than 100,000 WhatsApp messages.

The messages provide an insight into the way the UK government operated at the start of the pandemic. They include the suggestion that Hancock rejected advice from England’s chief medical officer, Prof Sir Chris Whitty, to test everyone going into care homes in England for Covid.

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Summit News added:

Bethell made the comments in light of the leak of tens of thousands of WhatsApp messages which shed light on the government’s botched response, which included the failure to carry out tests on all residents entering care homes.

Mandating people to kill their beloved pets would have almost certainly failed as a policy given that vast numbers of people would have refused to do so.

Killing pet cats was just one of numerous horrors almost visited on the British public in pursuit of a lockdown that went on to have a devastating impact and caused more harm than good.

As we previously highlighted, another proposal was to separate children from their parents and hold them in quarantine camps if they were infected with the virus.


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