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SAD REPORT: Dr. Michael Heiser Dead At Age 60 — Last Words


Man, this one is rough.

This one hits just about as hard as when we lost Rob Skiba.

Many of you may not know him, but he was a real champion of the faith.

A brilliant mind, brilliant theologian, brilliant researcher….but the beauty of Dr. Heiser is he always found a way to take his brilliance and bring things down to a level anyone could understand.

Sadly, we lost him at age 60 due to an aggressive cancer.

What a gut-punch!

Here is an update he posted recently — no one even knew he was sick!

From the Western Journal here is more:

Christian scholar and teacher Michael Heiser, author of “The Unseen Realm,” died Monday at the age of 60.

Heiser’s books also included “The 60 Second Scholar: 100 Insights That Illumine the Bible,” “I Dare You Not to Bore Me with The Bible,” “The Façade” and “The Portent.”

He was a lecturer, a scholar at Logos Bible Software and the host of “The Naked Bible” podcast, according to The Christian Post.

On Jan. 21, Heiser, who lived in Jacksonville, Florida, posted a message on Facebook as he neared his death.

He said his pancreatic cancer would be claiming his life within weeks.

“I know this news is depressing, but you should all know I will die happy to have served the Lord and you all in the ways I have,” he wrote. “God has been very good to us, gifting me in discernible ways and, I think just as importantly, given me heart for the lay community – all of you.

“I desired nothing more than to empower all of you to study Scripture more deeply, to unlock the Bible for you in ways inaccessible to all but scholars. This brought me a special joy.”

Heiser said although his future on Earth was limited, his future beyond it was not.

“Let’s turn to the future. As you all know, when I pass I will join the family of God and his council, to which all of us as believers presently belong but ‘not yet’ in its fullness. This is what awaits me, and I am glad. We will see each other in the future in unimaginably glorious ways,” he wrote.

He then turned to the work he had begun that he would leave for others to continue.

“It is time for you all to think not about content you will receive from me, but what you can do to make sure other people discover the content that changed your life and outlook on Scripture,” Heiser wrote.

He said those who have read his works now need to help others as he sought to help them.

“I am spent in service to you, so now it is time for you to do replicate the blessing you’ve experienced in the lives of others. I die with the belief that you will, like I did, take the long look of being a blessing to others to help them rediscover their Bible for the first time and to embrace the gospel as believing loyalty,” Heiser wrote.

“Please be a part of what is now taking shape for the glory of the kingdom. I’ll be greatly blessed by you all,” he said.

He was known for so many teachings, but a key one was on the Divine Council:

He was also big on Genesis and the Fallen Angels we cover a lot here:

He’s perhaps best known for “Unseen Realm” and the Divine Rebellion (three in fact!).

If you’ve never seen this, you’re sure in for a treat:

So hard to pick a favorite:

One more:

A true giant.

A legend.

The world lost a great on here.

Although we never met, I dreamed of having him on my show for a chat.

Sadly now that will never happen and we’ll have to enjoy everything he did give us on YouTube.


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