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Joe Biden Ignores Ohio, Instead Spends President’s Day in Ukraine


If Joe Biden were really the president of the United States, I’d call him the worst one of all time.

Just like everything else with Biden though, it’s all about the optics.

For some reason, Biden’s handlers have chosen for him to spend President’s Day in Ukraine instead of visiting with the residents of East Palestine, Ohio.

Despite the fact that Ohio is facing one of the worst environmental disasters ever, Biden is off galivanting with Ukraine’s pretend Prime Minister for a photo-op.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump is planning to visit East Palestine, Ohio following the toxic train wreck.

One of these two is not like the other…

The Gateway Pundit has the latest:

The U.S. woke up on the Washington’s Birthday holiday to news of Joe Biden’s secret trip to Ukraine. Reaction was strong among those opposed to Americans giving Ukraine a blank check to defend itself from Russia’s invasion while Biden allows the U.S. to be invaded at the southern border, with observations of “America last!” and ‘Biden is in Ukraine, Trump is heading to Ohio’. President Trump announced he will visit East Palestine, Ohio on Wednesday to support the people affected by the toxic train wreck earlier this month. While in Kyiv, Biden announced a new arms package for Ukraine.

Biden is facing severe backlash over his America Last agenda:


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