In a NYC court case last week, John Bursch, an attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), claimed that many teachers fired for refusing the COVID-19 shot cannot get rehired because of “problem codes” assigned to them by the New York City Department of Education (DOE).
Mayor Eric Adams lifted the NYC municipal worker COVID-19 jab mandate last week and said workers can reapply for positions in their former agencies.
Mayor De Blasio Announces COVID-19 Jab Mandate on All NYC City Workers
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Bursch also claimed the "problem codes" were sent to the FBI.
Those "problem codes" added to terminated teachers' profiles are reportedly tied to their fingerprints.
Thus, teachers fired for resisting medical tyranny allegedly had their fingerprints sent to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice services.
Literally Biomedical Fascism
Unvaccinated teachers in New York City were flagged with problem codes in their personnel files, and when that occurred, “their fingerprints are sent with that flag to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services.”
— Dr Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf) February 11, 2023
Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI. I guess they want to know people who still have critical thinking skills.
— Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) February 11, 2023
As Daily Caller explained, the claims were made during oral arguments in the New Yorkers for Religious Liberty v. the City of New York case.
John Bursch, attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom, told the Daily Caller News Foundation that the mayor’s claim about fired employees getting rehired was ” just not true in every case.”
“Even for those who are eligible for reinstatement, when they apply they’ve all got so-called ‘problem codes’ in their personal file because they purportedly failed to fulfill a contractual condition, which was to get vaccinated,” Bursch said. “What is really horrible about that is not only does it affect their ability to get rehired by the state of New York, it affects their ability to go to any other employer because that ‘problem code’ note is paired with their fingerprints as a warning flag and sent to the FBI and the New York criminal justice services.”
Workers discovered that they had been flagged with “problem codes” and told that they could not get them removed until they had fulfilled the necessary work requirements by getting vaccinated, several documents, including employee files and email correspondence, provided to the DCNF by ADF show. One email sent from the DOE stated that “all employees who were placed on 2VM vaccine mandate leave” were given codes.
Another document, filed by an attorney with knowledge of the case, argued that the DOE’s claims that “problem codes” can only be viewed by the department are untrue.
Listen to Bursch make these statements in his oral argument:
So the fingerprints of
u n - j a b b e d NYC teachers have been sent to the FBI for “flagging”… Are all the “cleans”going to get a mandatory arm tat soon for easy recognition?
Take a listen… #covid #vaccinemandates #NYCTeachers #whosnext @teacher_choice— Sammy Jo - Cooks 4U👩🍳 (@sammyjoms66) February 10, 2023
Hear the full oral argument at Court Listener.
Teachers For Choice provided further details:
The source of this information is Betsy Combier who wrote an affidavit (see pdf below) in the Kane v. de Blasio case where she stated unvaccinated teachers were given a “problem code” label that was “then sent to the national databases at both the Federal Bureau of Investigation” (FBI) and the Department of Justice (DOJ).
In federal court on February 8th attorney Susan Paulson who was defending NYC stated that educators fired for declining covid vaccination were not removed for misconduct, but rather for not meeting a requirement for employment.
If there was no misconduct, why are unvaccinated educators fingerprints sent to the FBI?
I believe that unvaccinated NYC educators were being setup to be viewed as “right-wing extremists” or even “terrorists.” We know for many years Dr. Peter Hotez has been promoting an insane narrative that those who are “vaccine hesitant” are an extremely dangerous group, and that we need to look to Homeland Security and even NATO for suggestions of how to deal with such a “threat.”
There is no question individuals fired for refusing the COVID-19 shot are under the microscope of authoritative government agencies at every level.
The World Health Organization shared propaganda claiming 'anti-vaccine' activism is more dangerous than global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, gun violence, and cyber attacks.
WHO Shares Twitter Video Claiming ‘Anti-Vaccine’ Activism ‘Kills More People’ Than Global Terrorism
Dr. Peter Hotez made those insidious statements.
The NYC DOE and FBI likely think along the same rationale.
Individuals who don't comply with government tyranny and possess critical thinking skills have a target on their backs.
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