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Moderna CEO Admits To Making COVID Vaccines In 2019!


In a recently unearthed video from this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel admitted to making 100,000 COVID vaccines back in 2019!

Bancel goes on to say that he went to someone in his manufacturing team and asked how they could make a billion doses for the next year.

After the manufacturing colleague looked at him confused, Bancel recalled telling him:

 “Next year there will be a pandemic”.

Watch the clip here:

And the UK has made a deal with Moderna to produce 250 million more vaccines in the next ten years.

This isn’t the first time the Moderna CEO has lifted the lid on what’s been going on behind the scenes.

They have also recently partnered with Canada, Australia and the UK to build mRNA mega factories.

Unfortunately, it is too late for those who have already been harmed by Moderna’s vaccines.


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