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“Frisizhnjubs”: Can You Decipher These Gibberish Moments from Biden’s State of the Union?


It’s no secret that Joe Biden’s speaking abilities are nothing close to President Trump’s.

His State of the Union address last night was filled with so many flubs that, at times, it was hard to know what he was even talking about.

So we’ve decided to compile his “greatest hits” from last night.

Can you help us decipher was Joe Biden was trying to say?

First, Biden made a reference to “frisizhnjubs.”

Do you know what that means?


Oh, and did we mention that he opened the speech referring to Chuck Schumer as the Senate MINORITY Leader?!

Schumer is the Majority Leader!

Newsweek confirms:

President Joe Biden began his 2023 State of the Union address by stumbling over his praise of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and briefly referring to him as the “minority leader.”

Biden made the gaffe while he was opening his speech by congratulating House and Senate leaders. Just after praising Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for his long service, the president apparently became confused about Schumer’s current role.

“And congratulations to Chuck Schumer,” Biden said. “Another, uh you know, another term as Senate minority leader. You know, I think you uh… only this time you have a slightly bigger majority, Mr. Leader. You’re a majority leader, about that much bigger?”

Schumer replied by holding up his finger to indicate that Democrats had gained one seat in the Senate, bringing their slim majority to 51 seats.

If President Trump had made a mistake like that, the media would be questioning his mental health!

Yet Joe Biden gets a pass!

Biden even had a weird moment talking about oil:

Perhaps the most bizarre moment is when Biden went off script.

Yes, he actually went off script!

But unlike President Trump, Biden couldn’t pull it off.

He instead began shouting at the top of his lungs:

Biden also appeared to say that refrigerators and cell phones got laid off.

This is not a joke, folks.

Obviously, inanimate objects can’t get fired, but perhaps Joe needs to be taught that very basic fact.

Here’s more analysis from The Hill:

So, how did he do? In a word, awful. It was probably one of the weakest, most incoherent State of the Union messages in history. His domestic rivals saw an unconvincing and highly vulnerable target. America’s global allies and enemies likely saw a president who is obviously impaired and, in turn, a vulnerable America.

It needs to be said. The president could not complete a single written paragraph without slurring most of the punch line. It is sad, and worrisome.

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The speech itself made a floundering attempt at bipartisanship at the start — only to throw it all away with the false accusation that Republicans plan to eliminate Social Security and Medicare. After a strong reaction from Republicans, he was forced to publicly back away from the accusation — perhaps the first time in history that a president retracted a false charge in the middle of his own speech.

Even more strange, he talked about “Buy American,” building plants in the U.S. and demanding American content in manufacturing to recapture American strength and offset lost jobs, and the lost pride and self-worth of employment. This was strange because the “Buy America,” “create jobs at home,” “rebuild America” is pure Trump — the very “Make America Great Again” that Biden blisteringly criticized in last year’s State of the Union address. So, once again, Joe Biden is plagiarizing — this time, Donald Trump.

The jobs pitch was additionally ironic because, ignoring the fact that Biden’s COVID policies put millions out of work and his extended payments to workers displaced by COVID continue to encourage many not to work at all and have led to one of the lowest labor force participation rates in history, his “record low unemployment rate” is not because of job creation, but because many Americans are still cashing government checks and no longer interested in looking for work.

So did you watch Biden’s speech last night?

If so, do you agree with this assessment?

Let us know in the comments section below!


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