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Bill Gates…and 6,000 Child Rape Porno Images!


How’s that for a headline?

No, I don’t like covering this stuff but I do like shining a light on darkness and exposing it!

This is actually from 2014, but I’m covering it again.


Because (1) we were not around back in 2014.  We launched this mission in 2015.  So I’ve never covered it before.

But (2) I had actually never heard about this story before today and I’m guessing many of you may not have either.

So let’s dive in…

Here’s the short summary:  in 2014, an “engineer” at the Gates home compound was arrested for having 6,000 child rape porno images with him.

Watch this report:

From local KIRO7:

Police arrested a Seattle man at Bill Gates and Melinda Gates’ mansion for allegedly collecting more than 6,000 child rape photos.

Rick Allen Jones, reportedly employed as an engineer at the Gates’ home, is also accused of trading pornography images via Gmail.

He is charged with possession of child pornography.

More here:

And from the Daily Mail:

An engineer employed at the home of Bill and Melinda Gates has been charged with possession of child porn after he was discovered to have more than 6,000 images depicting rape and sexual abuse.

Rick Allen Jones, 51, of Seattle, allegedly had thousands of images stashed on his home computer, according to court documents this week.

According to prosecutors, the engineer had shared the images using his Gmail account.

Rick Allen Jones, 52, worked for Bill and Melinda Gates at their waterfront home in Medina, Washington (pictured) until late 2014, when he was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography. He was sentenced Friday to 90 days in jail

Rick Allen Jones, 51, worked for Bill and Melinda Gates at their waterfront home in Medina, Washington

Investigators were able to identify some of the children in the images, according to Kiro TV.

Police began to investigate Jones in 2013 after tracking him down from a sordid image which was posted online.

According to Seattle PI, the image showed the sexual exploitation of two young boys.

Cops went to look for him at his home in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle in March.

Jones was finally tracked down to his workplace at the tech billionaire’s $147-million-dollar, waterfront estate in Medina, Washington.

He was interviewed in a security office at the estate by detectives, according to Seattle PI.

While he was being interviewed, police went into his home with a search warrant and found more than 6,000 child porn images.

More here:

Ok, so a Gates staff member “took the fall”?

That’s what it sounds like to me.

Otherwise, you mean to tell me some guy was working at the Gates compound and just decided to bring along with him 6,000 child porno images?

Does that make sense to anyone?

Or did he take the fall?

I’m not making accusations, I’m just asking questions.

Because apparently Bill Gates seems to be the absolute WORST judge of character, hiring degenerate engineers to work at his home and of course who can forget his best-buddy friendship with Jeffrey Epstein?

Bill, you sure know how to pick friends!

Or perhaps it’s not a coincidence at all….

Maybe Bill Gates is the pedo?

I’m not making the accusation, I’m just asking questions…

Watch this for more:

More here….

Bill Gates SQUIRMS Awkwardly When Asked About His Friend Jeffrey Epstein

Remember in Scarface when Al Pacino talks about the cock-a-roach?

That’s always reminded me of Bill Gates.

A cock-a-roach!

Here’s the latest…

Bill was friends with Jeffrey Epstein and he doesn’t seem to like people asking about it!

Also, do you remember when ex-wife Melinda Gates called him out for it?

More on that in a minute.

First, watch this from Tucker:

Bill….you look VERY uncomfortable.

How many videos did Epstein have of you?

And how young were the kids?

And were they boys AND girls or just one or the other?

I’m just asking….

Here was Melinda telling the world things are NOT right here:

From Newsweek:

Melinda Gates is said to have warned Bill Gates to stay away from Jeffrey Epstein after the couple met with the convicted sex offender in 2013 in New York.

The Microsoft founder and his wife announced they had filed for divorce last week and The Wall Street Journal reports that the separation of the 25-year marriage has been in the works since at least 2019.

Melinda Gates was reportedly “haunted” by her husband’s connection with the convicted pedophile financier who died by suicide after he was jailed in 2019, per The Daily Beast.

Newsweek has reached out to representatives for Bill and Melinda Gates for comment.

The New York Times reports that Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein met numerous times over the years starting from 2011—here is a timeline of their relationship.

Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein reportedly first met in January 2011 in New York City.

On this occasion, Gates and Epstein were joined by Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin, a former Miss Sweden who Epstein had once dated, and her 15-year-old daughter.

The New York Times also claimed that Bill Gates sent an email about Epstein to colleagues in 2011, saying: “His lifestyle is very different and kind of intriguing although it would not work for me.”

He also said that he stayed late into the night on this occasion, writing in the email: “A very attractive Swedish woman and her daughter dropped by and I ended up staying there quite late.”

However, Bill Gates’ spokesperson Bridgitt Arnold told the newspaper that the email “was in no way meant to convey a sense of interest or approval.”

She said that Gates was “referring only to the unique décor of the Epstein residence—and Epstein’s habit of spontaneously bringing acquaintances in to meet Mr. Gates.”

Arnold also said of this meeting: “Gates recognizes that entertaining Epstein’s ideas related to philanthropy gave Epstein an undeserved platform that was at odds with Gates’s personal values and the values of his foundation.”

The two men met again in 2011, on May 3 and were photographed along with James E. Staley, at the time a senior JPMorgan executive, and former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers and Boris Nikolic, who was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s science adviser.

2013 was four years after Epstein was sentenced to prison for soliciting a minor under the age of 18 for sex.

The meeting was reportedly on the same day that the couple accepted the Lasker-Bloomberg Public Service Award at the Pierre Hotel in New York City.

In this same year, Bill Gates is reported to have flown with Epstein on his private jet from New Jersey to Palm Beach, Florida.

That plane is the infamous “Lolita Express” that gained notoriety due to it being purposely designed for mid-air sex, per The Sun.

Bill Gates’ meetings with Epstein were publicized and reported on in 2018, prompting a spokesperson for the tech mogul to say at the time that the meetings had focused on philanthropy.

“I met him. I didn’t have any business relationship or friendship with him,” Gates told the Wall Street Journal in 2019.

One more here:


Here’s more:

Bill Gates MRNA Grift EXPOSED? He Now Admits Vaccine Is “Ineffective”

Oh my…

This is a new low even for lowlife Bill Gates.

Just proves money damn sure can’t buy class.

Or “goodness”.

Or ethical standards.

Or any basic human decency and respect for life and for fellow human beings.

Because the man who oversaw the “virus” reign on PC’s now has interjected himself as the “virus” guru for humans.

And just like it didn’t go well on PC’s, it’s not going well with humans.

Gee, imagine that!

We’ve known this was ineffective and highly dangerous from Day 1….and we’ve shouted that warning from the rooftops.

But Gates and his Mother-WEF-er friends?

They pushed it.  Hard.

But now?

Now that the results are so wildly bad that there’s no real “spin” they can put on it anymore?

Now they’re totally changing their tune and flipping gears 180 degrees.

Check this out:


Stunning, even for Gates, isn’t it?

Here’s more from The Defender:

Bill Gates, long recognized as one of the world’s foremost proponents of vaccines, raised some eyebrows at a recent talk in Australia when he admitted there are “problems” with current COVID-19 vaccines.

Speaking at Australia’s Lowy Institute as part of a talk entitled “Preparing for Global Challenges: In Conversation with Bill Gates,” the Microsoft founder made the following admission:

“We also need to fix the three problems of [COVID-19] vaccines. The current vaccines are not infection-blocking. They’re not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration, particularly in the people who matter, which are old people.”

Such statements came as a surprise to some in light of Gates’ longstanding support of — and investments in — vaccine manufacturers and organizations promoting global vaccination. However, they were the latest in a string of developments in recent weeks that have increasingly called the COVID-19 vaccines, in particular, into question.

‘This is a grift’: Gates’ investments in mRNA vaccines reveal ‘conflict of interest’

Several analysts and commentators were critical of Gates — but not due to disagreement with the statements he made in Australia. Instead, they argued that he had previously heavily invested in mRNA vaccines at the same time he encouraged a global COVID-19 vaccination campaign and supported mandatory vaccination.

Speaking Jan. 25 on The Hill TV’s “Rising,” co-hosts Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave addressed Gates’ statements. Soave initially agreed at face value with Gates’ criticism of current mRNA vaccines, saying:

“He really nails it on the issues that we’re having: the short duration of protection, not a significant discernable impact on the transmission of cases … not a massive benefit for a lot of otherwise healthy and younger people.”

However, Soave — who on Jan. 19 revealed “Facebook files” indicating the CDC significantly influenced content moderation and censorship on the platform pertaining to COVID-19 vaccines — then pointed out Gates’ prior investments that contributed to the development of mRNA vaccine technology.

Soave said, “Bill Gates was a major proponent of mRNA technology … he was an investor in BioNTech, which developed the mRNA vaccine for Pfizer.”

“We were just doing some digging,” continued Soave, “[and] we saw that he sold a lot of those shares at … how much profit was that?”

“10x,” replied Gray. “He invested $55 million in BioNTech back in 2019 and it’s now worth north of $550 million. He sold some stock … at the end of last year, I believe it was, with the share price over $300, which represented a huge gain for him over when he invested.”

Soave then unleashed critical comments directed at Gates:

“Let’s follow that trajectory: [Gates] invests heavily in BioNTech, ‘mRNA vaccines are great, this is the future,’ he talks about the vaccine timeline and how we can develop it faster, ‘we might have to cut some corners on safety’ … All in … sells it … makes a huge amount of money … but now it’s ‘yeah, it’s okay, it could be better, but what we really need is this breath spray.’”

Soave was referring to a statement Gates made during his recent talk in Australia, immediately prior to his remarks regarding the mRNA vaccines, where he said:

“We think we can also have, very early in an epidemic, a thing that you can inhale that will mean that you can’t be infected, a blocker, an inhaled blocker.”

Gray raised the issue of conflicts of interest between individuals such as Gates who hold significant positions with drug and vaccine manufacturers, and the federal government’s spending of large sums of taxpayer money to purchase these products. She said:

“This is a grift. These companies are extracting money, taxpayer money as it were, to pay for medical treatments that are not indicated by medical professionals and are less useful than what we already have.

“At the same time, the Biden administration is opening its doors, revolving doors, to people from these various industries like Jeff Zients, who is the new chief of staff for Joe Biden … who has spent his entire career at the kinds of companies, investing in the kinds of companies, that have been overcharging the government for Medicare and Medicaid payments and exact kinds of overpayments. It is an enormous grift and one that is incredibly common.”

Zients was formerly the Biden administration’s “COVID czar” and publicly pushed for universal vaccination.

Soave then said that Gates’ statements, and the broader issue of conflicts of interest between drug and vaccine proponents and the federal government, give credence to the assertions long made by “anti-vaxxers and the like.” He said:

“For there not to be more interrogation of his conflict of interest here by the mainstream is deeply disturbing, and for people who have been skeptical of this aspect of Pfizer and the drug development around COVID and who have been shot down in the media as kooks, anti-vaxxers and the like, I frankly think that this issue of pharmaceutical corruption and people pushing various interventions, having an investment in profit, should have been an issue that the left was leading on.

“We have to be more transparent about the fact that people who are having input in what the government policy is going to be, what’s going to be required people, the Biden administration tried to require people to get this, shouldn’t it be known at least when there are hundreds of millions of dollars of financial interests at stake for the people advising this? And their tune changes as it follows the money!”

Investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel also had scathing remarks following Gates’ statements in Australia, writing on his blog:

“Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who served as one of the architects of Covid hysteria and had more of an impact than any other individual on the disastrous global pandemic policies, has finally acknowledged that the mRNA shots he’s been promoting for two years are nothing more than expired pharma junk.

“Translation: Gates admits that the shots are impossible to align with rapidly developing variants, they expire in lighting speed, and they don’t stop transmission. And they don’t work for the only at-risk portion of the population.”

Schachtel called this “an incredible reversal from the man who once advertised the shots as the cure to the coronavirus,” drawing upon Gates’ previous statement: “everyone who takes the vaccine is not just protecting themselves but reducing their transmission to other people and allowing society to get back to normal.”

In 2021, Gates described the mRNA vaccines as “magic,” saying they would be a “game changer” in the next five years.

Watch this…

He admits it in the first minute, right in his own words:

Is this man an Enemy of Humanity?

And now for everyone who took this DANGEROUS and INEFFECTIVE vaccine, is there hope?

What Can You Do If You Took The Poison Vaxx And Now Regret It…

Since we seem to be watching people “Dying Suddenly” increasing at an alarming rate, I thought it might be good to show you this again.

Before we go any further, let me give you my standard disclaimer:

I am not a doctor.  I’m not giving medical advice.  I’m not claiming I can treat or cure any medical disease.  

There, we good?

We on the same page?

I am a reporter and an investigator and I love interviewing smart people.  Interesting people.  People who have something that can help the world!

Ok, let’s continue….

Because I’m very excited to share this with you and I think it might help a lot of people.

I want to talk about the poison vaxx and it’s damaging effects….

I know many people were forced into taking it.

Threatened with the loss of their jobs….

Shamed into taking it…

Bribed into taking it….

Conned into thinking you had to take it to “help Grandma”.

Whatever the case, millions of people now regret it and they want it OUT of their body!

I can’t guarantee results, but after talking with Chris Burres at C60 Evo I am so encouraged about what this might do for you.

We talked about how similar it is to Glutathione and how it removes free radicals and bad actors from your body.

Want to remove graphine?

Want to remove poison nano-particles?

I’ll repeated: I can’t claim this treats or cures anything, but I do know I want to give my body a fighting chance!

Vitamin D…






Liposomal Vitamin C…

I’ll let Burres explain in his own words…

Watch here on Rumble:

ESS60: The Secret To Overcoming The Poison Vaxx?

Visit 👉
✅ Promo code EVNOAH to save 10%

Check out the testimonials too:

There are a ton on the website, read them here:

And that’s not even to mention the Hair Restoration Product they just launched!

I love C60 and I personally take it every day.

Here’s more about why:

EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Is C60 Your “Secret Weapon” To Staying Healthy?

Hi friends, Noah here with a Special Report!

I want to take a moment to break from the news and talk about something that is vitally important:  your “vitals”!

Your health is something that is more important now than ever before, so I had Chris Burres from C60 Evo back on my show to talk about what I’m calling the “secret weapon” to staying healthy.

Why secret?

Because most people have never heard about C60, but it’s the real deal….that is, if you consider winning a “Nobel Prize” the real deal.

Not a bad thing to have on your resume!

I had Burres on my show a few months ago and I received so many questions for him about C60 that I had to get him back on and go through all of them.

Now is NOT the time to take chances with your health….I think we can all agree on that, right?

So if some of these questions sound familiar, it might be because they came from you!

Before we go to the interview, let me give you a little more background….

First, let me give you my disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and I’m not giving you medical advice.  I’m not telling you this is going to treat or cure any condition you have.  I’m just telling you what I have personally experienced. Consult your own doctor before taking any vitamin, mineral, supplement or medicine.

Because I have been taking C60 for over a year now and I love it!

In fact, the only reason I ever connected with Burres in the first place is because I was such a fan of their product that I contacted them and asked if there was any way I could get them on the show!

And they were gracious enough to give their time (twice now) to come on and chat with me.

So let me talk to you for a bit about my personal experience with C60 over the past year and why I think it’s so vital to keeping my immune system at FULL STRENGTH….

C60 is a powerful antioxidant often described as the “perfect carbon molecule”.

It’s an antioxidant that has been measured to be 172x more powerful than Vitamin C!  How about that?

No, it’s not actually “Vitamin C” itself, it just has 172 times the antioxidant power of Vitamin C, and that’s a big deal!

That’s like, 172 oranges!

You can’t eat 172 oranges, but you can protect and strengthen your body!

Not only is it an antioxidant, but it’s an anti-viral and an anti-bacterial and an anti-inflammatory.

I’ll tell you one thing….ever since I saw the Deep State going after Carbon and trying to tax carbon emissions with their Al-Gore Carbon Tax, I immediately knew one thing:  I bet Carbon is actually pretty good for you!

Turns out I was right.

Especially the Carbon-60 “perfect carbon molecule.”

So once I learned more about it, I then set out to find where to buy it from the most reputable company.

I found there are a lot of companies selling C60 that might actually be bad for you and toxic (not fit for human consumption!), so I found the one that has the highest standards and safest, most continually-tested product out there….and that was C60 Evo.

I’ve been personally taking C60 for over a year and feel amazing so in light of all the health issues plaguing our nation right now, I decided I’d have one of its founders, Chris Burres, back on my show.

We kept this interview a little shorter so listen closely as we move FAST through a ton of details.

If you’re ready to:

👉 Get better, deep and restful sleep….

👉 Have more energy during the day…

👉 Experience less negative effects after drinking alcohol…

👉 Keep your immune system in prime condition…

….then you need to hear this interview.

Watch right here from Rumble:

To visit their website go to 👉

Use promo code EVNOAH to save 10%.

Backup here on YouTube:

To visit their website go to 👉

Use promo code EVNOAH to save 10%.

Now….want even more on an immune-boosting health plan?

Look no further than my friend Clif High.

Clif has routinely promoted C60 in the past and here is even more of what he recommends.

Take a look:

If that Tweet gets taken down, here is a screenshot of what he posted:

I’m going to give you my disclaimer once again…..

DISCLAIMER: I’m not a doctor and I don’t practice medicine.

And neither is Clif!

Neither of us is giving you medical advice.  NOTHING in this article is medical advice.



I’m just reporting on what others have said.

But let’s be honest….I think I can probably do better than the “doctors” like Dr. Fraudci, Dr. Birxx who lie to you and serve you up a big heaping pile of propaganda!

You can probably take whatever they tell you to do and just do the opposite and you’d probably be pretty close to an ideal course of action!

So no, I’m not a doctor, but if being a doctor puts you in the same class as Dr. FRAUDci, then I take not being a doctor as a badge of honor.

I’m a reporter.

I simply report what I hear and see from others.

To paraphrase a once great network: I report, you decide!

But what I can report is that it sure looks like some very basic stuff can drastically help you recover and protect your body going forward!

Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Chaga Mushroom Tea, C60, and of course hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin may be highly effective!

If you scroll down, I have links for you.

And let’s consider the worst case scenario…..taking more vitamins is almost never a bad thing, right?

Your body needs them regardless of what virus is floating around out there.

As long as you don’t take too much of the fat-soluble vitamins, it’s almost NEVER a bad thing to give your body more vitamins.

Now let me give you a little more background on Clif and why he’s making these recommendations….

Watch this video where Clif High explains what the spike protein is actually doing to your body, why it is definitely a bio-weapon, and how each of the items listed above can help:

Here is one more where he goes into even more detail and in this one he talks about the power of C60 and why you need to get some!

Ever since you were a kid, you were told to get your vitamins!

It’s basic advice that was good then and is still good now!

You need large doses of the right kind of Vitamin C, 10-15,000 IU’s of Vitamin D to maintain certain blood levels, and then Clif recommends C60 too.

Watch the interview here from Rumble (they discuss it in the first 10 minutes) and then scroll down for links to where you can get the best of each item:

If you want to follow Clif’s advice, here are some links to the products I like to use.

Unfortunately, I can’t give you a link to NAC on Amazon because Amazon banned it.

One of the oldest and most trusted supplements in the bodybuilding industry and Amazon suddenly banned it right now.


So we go with the rest of the list….

First is Glutathione:

You want to get “Liposomal” Vitamin C, very important.

And in case that sells out, which tends to happen, this is another good Liposomal Vitamin C:

Now on to Vitamin D.

Here is my current favorite and the one I personally take:

And a backup Vitamin D3:

And Chaga Mushroom Tea:

And here is the Zinc Balance:

And we end with C60.

As I mentioned above, I’ve been personally taking C60 for over a year and I have not came down with COVID.  Not saying it treats or prevents COVID, I’m just saying my experience.

Regardless of COVID, I love taking it and have noticed multiple benefits.

Here’s what many people have reported:

C60 is a powerful antioxidant (172x the power of Vitamin C), antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.  

I liked it so much I actually contacted the company and got everyone who is reading this a deal.

The company is called C60Evo.

Go to their website here and then be sure to use promo code EVNOAH and you’ll get 10% off your order!

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

I love this stuff and I think you will too.

Cheers to good health and a big thank you to Clif High for putting out this information!

No, I’m not promising you won’t get COVID, but I am saying that TAKING YOUR VITAMINS and powerful ANTIOXIDANTS is a good idea!

Be smart.

Be safe.

Be healthy!


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Read this and bookmark our new site!

See you over there!

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