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Trump Gets Unbanned From Facebook and Instagram


Facebook has ended President Trump’s ban on both Facebook and Instagram.

The president of global affairs at Meta (Facebook’s parent company) Nick clegg stated Trump’s Facebook suspension will be lifted in the coming weeks.

Trump was suspended from Facebook shortly after January 6th.

The move by Meta comes after the company has faced major financial loss over the last year and a half.

Fox Business had more to report:

Meta will be ending former President Trump’s suspension across its platforms, which include Facebook and Instagram, according to a Wednesday blog post from the company.

In the blog post, Nick Clegg, president of global affairs at Meta, said Trump’s suspension on both Facebook and Instagram will be lifted “in the coming weeks.”

“To assess whether the serious risk to public safety that existed in January 2021 has sufficiently receded, we have evaluated the current environment according to our Crisis Policy Protocol, which included looking at the conduct of the US 2022 midterm elections, and expert assessments on the current security environment. Our determination is that the risk has sufficiently receded, and that we should therefore adhere to the two-year timeline we set out. As such, we will be reinstating Mr. Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts in the coming weeks. However, we are doing so with new guardrails in place to deter repeat offenses,” Clegg wrote.

The social media company first moved to block Trump following the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. That decision was upheld by the platform’s Oversight Board in May 2021, though the board asked Facebook to reexamine Trump’s then-“indefinite” suspension and “decide the appropriate penalty,” as FOX Business previously reported.

In June 2021, Meta Platforms determined it would do a suspension on his Facebook and Instagram accounts for two years ending in January 2023, at which point the company would reassess the former president’s status.

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NBC News reported the news too:

President Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts are being reinstated, the social media giant Meta announced Wednesday — a little more than two years after he was suspended from the platforms over incendiary posts on the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol.

Trump’s accounts will be reinstated “in the coming weeks” and come with “new guardrails in place to deter repeat offenses,” Nick Clegg, president, global affairs at Meta, said in a statement. Meta owns Facebook and Instagram.

Those guardrails will include “heightened penalties for repeat offenses — penalties which will apply to other public figures whose accounts are reinstated from suspensions related to civil unrest under our updated protocol. In the event that Mr. Trump posts further violating content, the content will be removed and he will be suspended for between one month and two years, depending on the severity of the violation,” Clegg said on the company’s website.


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