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Hank Kunneman: The Secrets Are Coming To The Surface


I received MANY more replies, emails and comments to my last Hank Kunneman post than I expected to.

Took me a bit by surprise.

And I will report honestly….most of you want him back on here.

Most of you want me to start covering him again.

I’m still undecided, but I did have this popup in my feed today and I did think it was very good.

And I do imagine many of you will enjoy hearing this.

So here you go, I’m posting one additional Hank Kunneman video.

Let’s see how he does and whether he is accurate.

Watch here:

And for more, keep reading…

The Year of the Cross, the Shepherd’s Crook and Crowns

I am posting this for two reasons…

One, because a longtime a faithful reader sent me this link and told me how great it was.

So out of a favor to her, I am going to post it for all to read.

Second, I am going to post it so we can all watch together to see if what Hank says about 2023 comes to pass.

If it does, I’ll be the first to acknowledge it.

And if some of you are wondering why my tone about Hank is a bit off, you probably missed my prior posts which I will not post again here but you can read this at this link:

Why Did I Stop Following Hank Kunneman?

So now on with the post…

And please do leave a comment below this article to let me know what YOU think.

Do you like Hank and want me to cover him more often?

Or do you agree I made the right choice is stopping coverage?

I can’t promise to follow the majority vote, but I will be interested to read them.

And now, from ElijahList I give you the report from Pastor Hank Kunneman:

The Year of the Cross, the Shepherd’s Crook and Crowns

Intro: Check out this powerful prophecy by Pastor Hank Kunneman, given on December 31, 2022, concerning the new year of 2023. The Spirit of the Lord has declared that in the new year you will see the power of the Cross, as salvations will explode among those in sports, entertainment, and the media industries. This will also be a year of the Shepherd’s crook, as the finger of God shall hook and bring those who intentionally pushed the agenda of Hell to justice. Watch the leaders and governmental authorities of this earth as there will be great removals, regime changes, and shakings at the highest levels, as this season will be known as the year of the crowns. Rejoice, as God has said that He is resetting many things in the earth to bring a peace and a rest to the harshness of the season that you have been in!

Word of the Lord from Pastor Hank Kunneman given on December 31, 2022 at 7:00 PM (New Year’s Eve Anointing Service):

“This marks the time in history that shall be known as ‘former’ and that which was temporary and that which shall be new in the now. There is coming an hour that you will say, ‘We remember; we remember when…’ And you will speak of the harsh season that I’m bringing you out and bringing you through,” says the Spirit of God.

“You say, ‘But how can this be? How can it be that there would be an end to the madness?'” God says, “Because you underestimate the power of My hand. You have seen what evil looks like, and yet they will continue, as they will vomit upon themselves; they will turn on themselves. And their lusts for other things and others outside of their marriages shall be their downfall. Their lust for children shall bring them to trial.

“This is the hour of justice!” says the living God. “Let it be known that 2023 shall be declared, and it has been written from My scrolls: the year of the Cross – the year of the crook. I speak of the hook and the year of the crowns.

“You say, ‘God, what do You mean?’ This shall be a year that great awakening and salvations shall come to many upon this earth, for this is how I shall change and free nations. It shall be the changing of the human heart.

“Watch the power of My Cross bring those who once said there are other genders – some in their community shall say, ‘But we have found the way of the Cross,’ and there will be others who will say, ‘We once thought that traditional marriage was not the way.’ They too shall stand, and they will say, ‘We understand that marriage is between one man and one woman.’ This is what I speak of – an awakening!

“This is the hour of the Cross, that men – men that you never thought of – in entertainment, the sports, the political; yes, even on your media – shall repent, and they shall come to the Cross.

“You say, ‘I don’t believe it.'” God says, “If a thief, in his last moment of his breath, could say, ‘Remember me when You come into Your Kingdom’…” God says, “This is what I speak of, of the year of the Cross; but it shall [also] be the year of the crooks, for it shall be Psalm 23. For My rod of correction, My rod of judgment, My rod of righteousness shall be extended over the earth. And My crook – My Shepherd’s crook – shall expose the crooks, and will expose, as a veil shall be removed this year, and the curtains will be pulled. And I will let you see what I have seen. I will let you know what I have known. And some will not believe it though, yet it is reported.”

But God says, “Watch the crook – My Shepherd’s rod and crook. For,” God says, “the enemy will desire to bring fear to create a diversion over the justice that will begin to be seen, even in courts and tribunals; justice that will begin to be done even in your Senate and in your House of Representatives; a justice that will come through the Supreme Court; and, yes,” God says, “a shaking. For you believe that when they are appointed, they are appointed for life.” God says, “I’ll show you how quickly they can be removed. (Photo via Pxhere)

“This is the hour where God declares from His throne: ‘I say to you, God will not be mocked, and I will not be mocked! I say, enough is enough!’ For the enemy will desire to bring fear to create diversions – false information.” God says, “He will use the might, the militaries, the weapons of the nations. He will speak of rumors of nuclear war. And these things will make it look as though that this is the end – that this is the war of all things – as there will be a certain sound that’ll fill the airwaves.” But God says, “Do you understand propaganda? Do you understand how the enemy is using everything he can to get you to believe, to get you to be deceived into thinking something that really isn’t?”

And God says, “When they show the might of their armory, when they speak words and threats – for it shall be [such] a year – pay no attention to the Goliaths that will arise and show threats and speak threats.” God says, “Remember, it’s the year of the Cross; it’s the year of the crook – My crook.” And God says, “I will show with My finger My might.” And God says, “My finger does not just point, but now it exposes. And My finger – watch it! Look, it’s a crook! It shall hook them, and it shall pull them as I did with Korah. I shall call them to Myself to stand to a place of justice and righteousness now,” says the living God. “And this will carry on through your year, through your summer and into 2024, which will be known as a year of ‘restore.’

“You say, ‘But God, how much longer must we tarry?'” God says, “There’s one thing you don’t understand. It’s called mili-tary. And this will be something that I will show; this will be something that you will begin to understand; and this will be something that you will once and for all know that My hand has been involved. And I will bring an end to that which they say they will continue to do to steal your elections – to steal the seats away from those who rightfully won.

“I will call the media out, and I will bring them before Me in the year of the crook, the year of the hooking, and bring them forth to justice and to stand in righteousness. For it shall not only be the year of the Cross, but it’ll be the year of the crook and the year of the crowns. Yes, I bring the kings and the queens; the princes of the earth; the leaders of the earth before Me. And I bring them to My court, and I demand justice.” And God says, “There will be deaths. Some shall give up their last breath. Some shall take their lives.” But God says, “Watch the crowns, for there will be much, much shaking in the next two years of those who have seated themselves. Their crowns that they have put upon their heads unjustly shall be removed.

China, you rise and you protest, but you will be celebrating soon, because of freedom that an underground church that has prayed shall bring the manifestation of freedom that you have waited for, for there shall be a regime change.

For God says, “Listen to Me. 2023…the year of the Cross, the year of the crook – My hook – and it shall be the year of the crowns.” And God says, “Look…look closely to the nations. As protests shall arise, men shall be forced to give up their crowns, give up their rule.” And God says, “Freedom shall ring across the earth as regime changes happen. And you will see it with your eyes.

The Year of Abundance

“Watch – two years. And so it shall be that your new year shall be met with abundance. Listen to Me: your new year will be met with abundance, for they have tried to ensnare you – your economy. And they will even say, ‘Abstain from meat. Do not touch the cattle, the pig or the chicken.’ I laugh! And then they will say, ‘We must vaccinate them.’ But I will bless your food and I will bless when they say that your water is being contaminated, because,” God says, “they seek to scare you. They tried to shut you down. They tried to take your freedoms. They tried to affect your bodies. Now they will want to go after your bread; they’ll want to go after your water.” But God says, “Do not be moved. I’ve already told you ahead of time, I will bless it.

“But there will be the word ‘abundance.’ And your new year – watch very closely. Watch upon the screens, watch upon your news the word ‘abundance,’ the word ‘great,’ the word ‘feet.'” God says, “There will be an abundance of rain – record setting. The drought places will continue to have rain as a sign that the heavens are opening because of the people who prayed.

“There will be an abundance of rain, abundance of snow…abundance. Oh, yes, there will be ice and there will be wind. And there will then come something unusual…a warmth that will fill the nation. And they will say, ‘This is strange. This must be global warming.'” And God says, “It’ll be unique because it will be in unusual places, and then it will be (it would seem) as though the earth has been set to a temperature that is global because of this warmth.” But God says, “I want to do this because they have manipulated your weather. The enemy has manipulated your weather. And this will not always be what you will have by the way of your patterns. For I am resetting many things in the earth, and this will be what I will also put My hand upon to bring a rest and a peace to the harshness of the season that you have been in.”

The Scales Are Tipping Towards Righteousness and Justice!

Intro: Be sure to read this anointed prophetic word by Pastor Hank Kunneman, given on January 1, 2023, where the Spirit of the Lord declared that the scales are tipping towards righteousness and justice in the land! We were in a season where it seemed that things were evenly matched between the enemy’s agenda and those who stood boldly for the will of God, but now watch in this year of 2023 as the scales of justice turn decisively towards God’s hand in favor of righteousness and justice! The shift is happening now. Watch how God resets and re-establishes the key areas of government to bring deliverance to the nation of America! (Photo via Flickr)

Word of the Lord from Pastor Hank Kunneman given on January 1, 2023 at 9:00 AM (Sunday Worship Service):

“And so it would be,” says the Spirit of God, “that as you look at what was 2022…for there is a two and a two – 22. And so that’s what the year seemed to represent in the earth. For I speak of this former season so that you may understand what is taking place and what will be the future years.” God says, “It was a two and a two, because it seemed as though it was a balance, and it was as though your nation, United States, was divided. But now I say, as you are in 2023, notice it is no longer balanced. Notice the God of just weights and the God of fair balances and scales, for anything less is an abomination to Me. And so I [will] show you a sign in 2023 that things will begin to tip now. The scales will begin to turn. The scales will begin to go towards the way of righteousness and of justice,” says the living God.

“And this you will see as things will continue to unwind and unravel, as there will be more and more exposures that shall come through a shaking of your media, a shaking of your social media, and the media of your networks.” God says, “I will show you what they covered. I will show you the lies that they were paid for to propagate and to bring forth so that you would believe the lies that you have had to swallow.”

God says, “You will now stand in the scales of truth, the scales of justice; and you will now see and know what I know, what I have seen. And what is and what was done in secret shall now be shouted and made known,” God says, “as scales will turn, and they’re turning towards My hand.

“People have said, ‘God, where are You? How much longer?'” God says, “I took you out of a year of two-two. What seemed even – even as it was when the magicians seemed to emulate what I sent with My servant, Moses; it seemed as though things that were prophesied, things that were decreed – it seemed like they were being matched, or the enemy was having the upper hand.” But God says, “Now watch. It’s shifting, and it will shift…two, three…it shall be greater. It shall be greater because My hand of involvement is in the midst.

Watch What God Does in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches

“And watch what I do with your Executive office. Watch what I do with your Legislative office and branches. Watch what I do,” God says, “with your Judicial branches of government. Watch how I tip the scales,” the Lord says. “Watch how I reset. Watch how I re-establish and bring restoration unto your nation, United States.

“Therefore, I will shake your Senate; and as there is three in your year, there shall be three swift moves that shall come through your Senate. And,” God says, “there will come a great exposure of one that I will show. And there is another that aided them in things that will follow them and now expose them. And watch what will happen in your Senate to tip the scales. Watch what will begin to take place as others begin to shift from the left to the middle; the left to the right.” And God says, “I will show you that they will not have their agenda in the land.

“Watch what I do to the house of cards where,” God says, “you think that your house stands as it is.” God says, “It is a house of cards, and it will crumble. You watch what I do to shake it even more. You watch what I do on your Supreme Court. You think that they sit there for even,” God says,” for length of years. Yet do you think that they shall even some grow old? Watch what I do to say [that] there are some who are sitting seated upon your Supreme Court unjustly. It is a false balance, a false weight; and I will shake it,” says the Spirit of God.

“And the weight and the unfair treatment of the innocent have gone on long enough.” And God says, “No, I will not allow an economy to cripple you. No, I will not allow them to continue to treat you like you are animals and herd you to the slaughter of ignorance and the slaughter of mandates. Not again, for this will be what I will change and tip the scales where a freedom shall fill your 2023 that shall spill over in the coming, remaining years of this decade.

Watch What I Do for the Children

“And watch what I do for the children, for the unjust – the injustice that has been done to the children. I will march those who are guilty, those who have paraded children by way of perversion and transgender,” God says, “of absolute bondage. I will shift this too. And there will be laws. Pay attention to Florida, for they will pave a way in many of what I speak. For they will say, ‘We will not allow this with children in our state. We will not allow this on the internet. We will not allow this on the television in our state.'” (Photo via Pexels)

And God says, “You say, ‘Oh, that’s crazy.’ Watch. For in Florida – you have the keys for a purpose because you don’t just have it in the natural. You have it to unlock over this land, and there will come laws that will protect the children because the scales of justice and righteousness are in My hands,” God says.

“I Shall Rest My Case,” Says the Righteous Judge!

Intro: Check out this powerful prophecy by Pastor Hank Kunneman, given on January 15, 2023, where the Spirit of the Lord declared that there is a supernatural rest coming upon this land for His people who have suffered unjustly and been treated harshly at the hands of the enemy. Watch in this season as the Supreme Judge has declared that many things that have been hidden will come to light, which will spur investigations that will lead to justice! Pay attention to the media networks and social media outlets that will change, and watch the schools for a mighty ‘put it back’ movement at the hand of the Lord. Be encouraged and continue to speak boldly in agreement with the word of the Lord and His plan to bring this nation and His people into a season of divine rest.

Word of the Lord from Pastor Hank Kunneman given on January 15, 2023 at 9:00 AM (Sunday Worship Service):

“For you will see,” says the Spirit of God, “what I have promised unto this nation. You will see in this land what I’ve declared would be a rest that would come because of the harshness of this beginning of decade. And this rest shall come to those who have suffered, those who have been treated unjustly, those whom the enemy has deceived. There is a rest that is coming, but,” God says, “that is not the only rest, for I shall rest My case. And as the righteous Judge – who some who call upon My name think that I’ve ignored the injustice, the corruption, the evil; the things that have been done to this nation through your media, through your politics, your government, and to the people; some think that I have ignored and I am not doing anything to bring about justice – this is the time that I rest My case, for I am the Lawgiver. I am the Judge and I am the King.

“Therefore, as I rest My case, watch what begins to take place. Many things undercover will come to the light. And it will not just be investigations that will lead to nothing, but there will be investigations that will lead to justice. I will pull back the curtains and I will show, as I rest My case, those who are guilty; others shall find mercy.

Great Disruptions, Interruptions, Acceleration and Healing

“And as this takes place in your land, know that this is the hour and the time that great disruptions and interruptions shall come. And they shall say, ‘What is this with the satellite? What is the disruption that is taking place?’ And so men will look up to a satellite, but it’ll be more than just that. It will be a disruption in the heavenlies, by My hand, that will affect your earth and will affect your nation.

“Watch as acceleration takes place. Many things now will be accelerated, because as I rest My hand in My case upon this nation, you will begin to see healing flow as it was in the days of Hezekiah. Not only was it a king who was healed, but the nation.

“And so I speak: There are wounds that have happened within the very heart and soul of 45, yet there is a moving of My hand upon him. And I am taking not only the anointing that I’ve placed upon him, but I’m placing it upon others, and they will be raised up, too, in this season that I’ve rested My case, that a new leadership shall arise; because it is part of healing a nation that was divided, that was wounded, that was confused – deceived – and harshness abounded on every side.

“But watch very closely, for the media that you see today shall not be what you will see in the time that is coming of rest. There will be some sold; some will fold (the networks); others will be rebranded, and new voices shall arise. Social media – they will be bought out [and] exposed, as you see with Twitter. It shall begin to come like a fury, and it will flood down on other social media outlets. And I will reveal, as I rest My case, how they too were part of the injustice and the corruption; and then it will not go away. I told you, My thumb – My finger – is driving a thumb drive that’s connected to a laptop. And,” God says, “I will open it up even greater for the world to see.

“And as My justice comes, there will be a ‘put it back,’ as I’ve said before. They shall pray in their schools unto Me. They will open the Scriptures and teach creation, and they will teach Jesus Christ – yes – in your public schools. And there will be a ‘restoring’ of the Cross in the public places, and even the Commandments shall be reverenced and revered again in the public places. This is the rest as I rest My case,” says the living God.

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Hank Kunneman
One Voice Ministries


Hank and Brenda Kunneman pastor the Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and are the founders of One Voice Ministries. Together, the Kunneman’s also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network, and Faith Broadcasting Network. Pastor Hank has also authored several books including Prophesy with the Wind of God in Your Mouth, My Heart Cries Abba Father, The Revealer of Secrets, Don’t Leave God Alone, and Barrier Breakers. Pastor Brenda is a published author with both Destiny Image and Charisma House with her most recent books being The Daily Decree, The Daily Prophecy, Roadmap to Divine Direction, Decoding Hell’s Propaganda, The Supernatural You, and When Your Life Has Been Tampered With.

For the visual learners, the video is probably better…

Hank Kunneman…2023

Longtime readers of WLT may be VERY surprised to see this.

Yes, I am posting a Hank Kunneman video.

I know, I’m just as shocked as you are.

But this popped up in my YouTube feed and I was curious enough to listen.

And it was quite an incredible 20 minute clip.

This is Hank Kunneman from his special New Year’s Eve service where he gave a prophecy of what will come in 2023.

I’m not going to rehash the issues I have with Hank Kunneman in this article.

I’ve covered those many times before.

You can search old articles if you want to find them.

“Issues” isn’t even fair, it was one issue that I will wish he would just address but he refuses to do so.

But I listened to this and I thought to be fair to Hank I will post this and everyone can watch and see what he says will come in 2023.

And then we can just see how closely he heard from the LORD?

If he nails it, I’ll be the first to say well done.

Watch here:

BOOKMARK IT: Check Out My New Site,!

Backup saved to Rumble for safe-keeping:

We’ll revisit in January 2024!

Love to get your thoughts…

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Do you want to hear more from him?


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