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President Trump At Davos


No, Trump is not at Davos right now…

This is a flashback to President Trump at Davos in 2018.

Did you even know he was there?

I had forgotten.

He walked right into the Lion’s Den and punched them right in the face on their own turf!

I’ve just finished watching these and they are absolutely incredible!

Here’s a short clip to start:

But now let’s do the full video….

Watch here safely on Twitter:

Backup on YouTube:

It really reminds me of this…

FLASHBACK: When Trump Walked Into the Lion’s Den And RENOUNCED Globalism To Their Face!

This is a flashback to one of my favorite moments from 2018.

I love this President more and more every day!

My friends, you have to understand how truly amazing it is for him to walk into the United Nations and deliver this speech!

The man has no fear and a set of big, huge brass balls!

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

As he stood there in the Lion’s Den, he delivered a scathing speech to the U.N., denouncing their authority and firmly destroying their idea of globalism!

Here are my favorite quotes:

“We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable global beaurocracy!

America is governed by Americans!

We reject the ideology of globalism and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism!”

Watch and enjoy:

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