This is SO powerful.
It’s short but packs a punch.
It reminds me very much of President Trump reading The Snake poem.
Remember that?
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I’ll post it down below in case you have never seen that.
But first please enjoy this powerful message:
"…but still the people didn't see…"
Follow 👉 @DailyNoahNews
— (@DailyNoahNews) January 14, 2023
Told you it was good!
And if you’ve never heard The Snake as read by President Trump, here it is:
FLASHBACK: President Trump Tells The Snake Story At Rally In Ohio
Down the path along the lake….
Does that sound familiar?
President Trump at his rally in Ohio retold the famous snake story.
Some of you may remember President Trump told the snake story during the 2016 campaign trail but he retold the story tonight to bring to light what’s going on in our country today.
The story goes like this, a woman finds a half frozen snake on the side of a path near a lake.
She then proceeds to help the frozen snake but then the snake ends up biting her in the end.
The surprised woman then asks “why did you bite me?” the snake then replies “you knew I was a snake before you took me in.”
Some believe President Trump was implying that the far-left are now dealing with the consequences of putting snakes in the White House other believe the story was referring to the ongoing mass illegal immigration that’s occurring in the United States.
President Trump tells the story a lot better, listen to him recite the story in dramatic fashion:
Donald Trump tells the snake story:
— (@townhallcom) June 27, 2021
Business Insider provided the transcript of the poem Trump recited:
On her way to work one morning, down the path along side the lake.
A tender-hearted woman saw a poor, half-frozen snake.
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
“Oh well,” she cried, “I’ll take you in and I’ll take care of you.”
“Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in, for heaven’s sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman,” sighed the vicious snake.She wrapped him all cozy in a curvature of silk.
And then laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk.
Now she hurried home from work that night and soon as she arrived,
She found that pretty snake she’d taken in and revived.
“Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in, for heaven’s sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman,” sighed the vicious snake.Now she clutched him to her bosom.
“You’re so beautiful,” she cried.
“But if I hadn’t brought you in by now you would have died.”
She stroked his pretty skin again and then she kissed and held him tight.
Instead of saying, “thank you,” that snake gave her a vicious bite.
Trump in Ohio tonight woohoo!! Retelling of The Snake – Love it!!!
— Jenny Fish (@GaryandJenny) June 27, 2021
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