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Pentatonix Is Trending…For An Awesome Reason!


I know how many of you love Pentatonix…

Me too!

And they just went legend again tonight singing the National Anthem at the National Championship Game for College Football.

Short clip:

Full video:

Pretty much what everyone is saying:

Better version:

And if you loved that, here are three more of there most popular songs:


And this:

Beautiful both audio and visual.


Since we’re on the topic of the National Anthem, I had published this just last week:

The Most BEAUTIFUL National Anthem Ever?

Oh my!

I saw this and was totally blown away…

Literally blown away by the force and the beauty of this rendition of the National Anthem.

And what a setting for it too!

At first I had no idea who the singer was and then I realized who she is.

Her name is Ginger Gaetz and, yes, she’s related to Matt…they are married!

Now prepare to be blown away…

Watch here:

And a backup saved to Rumble in case that gets taken down:

I’ve watched several times.

Incredible job Ginger!


And now that we’ve talked about the best, I can’t wrap this up without talking about the worst.

I’m talking about you, Carl Lewis.

For my money, nothing will ever beat Carl Lewis’s “UH OH!” or “I’ll make up for it now!” but Fergie gives him a good challenge.

Watch for yourself and enjoy a little laugh:

You gotta love all the players at the end cracking up when it ended and I think to this day Carl may still be doing that wave sound with his voice…

So good.

I didn’t realize until rewatching it today it was actually during one of Jordan’s games.

Carl, how did you do my boy Michael like that?

You don’t bring THAT presentation to a 90’s Bulls game!

And then we enter the lounge for terrible Anthem #2:

It’s a revered song, our National Anthem….not a jazz ditty in a boozy bar Fergie!

You’re not Marilyn Monroe singing Happy Birthday to JFK!

And ok…here is one more bonus terrible rendition.

This honor goes to Cuba Gooding, Sr. and oh my is it terrible…

You know when the headline compares you to Carl Lewis you’re in rare company.

Bad company.

My man sang this like he was late to catch a plane!


Ok, now with those out of the way (and I hope you got a good laugh), now I want to get serious for a minute.

Serious and sentimental.

Because this truly is great.

Watch this flashback from last year as Brianna Fernandez from the NYPD starts the Anthem and then tosses it to the crowd to sing in unison.


Absolutely wonderful, except for a few of the players who either don’t know the words or think they’re above singing.

But for everyone else this may be the most heartwarming thing you’ll see in quite a while.

I’ve already watched many times.

Oh, and Memo to the NFL: you finally got one right.

THIS is what fans want.

Stop the Woke BS and try more of this.

You might just find we actually start watching your games again.

Please enjoy:




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