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NY Gov. Hochul’s Oath Was Invalid?


Was New York Governor Hochul’s oath invalid?

Big thanks to a reader (Sally, last name withheld for privacy) for sending this to me.

The email sent to me pointed out that Hochul did not swear an Oath to “protect and defend” the Constitution…only to “support” it.

It appears this is all that is required by the State of New York in terms of an Oath of Office:

So I’m not sure it’s invalid for that reason.

But I did notice something VERY interesting when I watched the video.

She doesn’t put her hand on the Bible.

These demons know the power of the Bible and so they constantly find ways to avoid it.

These demons don’t think the Bible is outdated or without power, quite the opposite.

They just follow Lucifer instead of the God of the Bible, but they know its power.

So watch what she does before putting her hand directly on the Bible…

She takes off her mask (because clearly the most deadly virus in human history won’t attack you and the other people standing right next to you during an Oath or when you’re seated at a restaurant — it’s only deadly when you’re walking to your table).

So she takes off her mask and uses it as a buffer to the Bible.

These people are evil…

And this Oath, at least in my opinion, it INVALID.

Watch here:

I’m tired of having Luciferians in office, how about you?

Which brings me to the power of the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court case.

If Brunson is successful at the SCOTUS level, we can use the same roadmap to remove all these illegal people right down the line…

Loy Brunson: The Decision Could Be 9-0!

Let’s talk the Trumpet Brothers Supreme Court case…

The Brunson Brothers.

Brunson vs. Adams.

I know some of you have seen a story written by Tracy Beanz over at UncoverDC.

Story link here.

In the article, she goes to great lengths to pick apart of tear down the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court case.

Point by point, she dismantles everything about it.

Here’s how it starts:

This column isn’t going to earn anyone money—to the contrary—many of you will likely hate us for writing it. But the truth is the truth. The purpose is not to “create division” or call out other conservative “influencers” simply because we have differing opinions. We have all spent years watching blatant government corruption, constitutional rights being trampled, and elections stolen—all with no one being held accountable.

She’s right, the story isn’t getting a lot of positive feedback.

But I wanted to respond.

First, I’ll say this…

She might be right.

We’ll find out on January 6th.

Will this just be another letdown in a string of disappointments?


Actually, if you look at the stats, you’d have to assume almost certainly.

So I get it.

The easiest thing to do is to side with the Swamp and say nothing will ever change and the Swamp will always win….because historically you’d be right.

So the odds of the Brunson Brothers succeeding are historically bad.

Stacked against them.

Almost…like when you escape Egypt and suddenly hit a dead end with no chance of escape just as Pharaoh and his chariot army closes in.

Victory looks almost impossible.

So I have no ill-will towards Ms. Beanz, but I chose to keep my hope high!

I don’t believe God is done with this country yet and I also don’t believe all the prophecies of a Red Sea Moment by so many prophets were wrong.

And when I see an article like the one at UncoverDC, my first thought is: GOOD! Now we’re at the Red Sea with ability for any glory to go to any human.  The glory in this rescue will go entirely to God.

Just like it always did in the Bible.

So that’s my take.

But I also want to share with you Loy Brunson’s opinion.

Loy was back on the Red, Right and Blue show for a 6th interview and they talked about this very topic.

Loy had a lot of very interesting things to say, and I’ll have to let you listen to those for yourself, but one thing that jumped out at me is he continues to believe that the very fact that the Court accepted this filing on a Rule 11 National Emergency basis suggests the Court has a special interest in this case.

Will Loy be wrong?

Will I be wrong?

We might.

We will see.

But my hope is high and something feels very special about this case.

And here is Loy Brunson himself on Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog, saying he wouldn’t be surprised if the case was decided 9-0!


Because there’s a lot more here than meets the eye.

Because Supreme Court justices have been personally threatened…


Because the Biden Regime is threatening to “pack the Court”…

So the Court may act to preserve not only the Nation but the Supreme Court itself.

Watch here:

And for more, watch Part 6 from the Red, Right and Blue show:


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